| Name | Description |
 | AllowCancel | Indicates that the dialog should be able to be closed using Alt-F4, Escape, and the title bar's close button. |
 | CanBeMinimized | Gets or sets whether the task dialog can be minimized. |
 | CheckBoxChecked | Gets or sets whether the verification check box is checked in the task dialog. |
 | CheckBoxText | Gets or sets the string that is used to label the verification check box. |
 | CheckedByDefault | Gets or sets whether the verification check box is checked by default. |
 | ClickedCustomButton | Gets the button or the command link that was clicked in the task dialog and closed it. |
 | CollapsedControlText | Gets or sets the string to be used to label the button for expanding the expandable information. |
 | CommonButtons | Gets or sets the common push buttons displayed in the task dialog. |
 | Container | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | Content | Gets or sets the string to be used for the dialog's primary content. |
 | CustomButtons | Gets the collection of custom buttons displayed in the task dialog. |
 | DialogResult | Gets a value that was returned from the last call to the Show method. |
 | EnableCheckBox | Gets or sets whether the verification check box is enabled. |
 | EnableHyperlinks | Enables hyperlink processing for the dialog strings. |
 | EnableTimer | Gets or sets whether the TimerTick event is fired approximately every 200 milliseconds. |
 | Expanded | Gets a value that indicates whether the expanded information is currently visible. |
 | ExpandedByDefault | Indicates that the string specified by the ExpandedInformation property is visible when the dialog is initially displayed. |
 | ExpandedControlText | Gets or sets the string to be used to label the button for collapsing the expandable information. |
 | ExpandedInformation | Gets or sets the string to be used for displaying additional information. |
 | ExpandFooterArea | Indicates that the string specified by the ExpandedInformation property is displayed at the bottom of the dialog's footer area instead of immediately after the dialog's content. |
 | FooterCommonIcon | Gets or sets the predefined icon to be displayed in the footer of the task dialog. |
 | FooterCustomIcon | Gets or sets the custom Icon to be displayed in the footer area of the task dialog. |
 | FooterText | Gets or sets the string displayed in the footer area of the task dialog. |
  | IsPlatformSupported | Indicates whether the C1TaskDialog's capabilities are supported on the current platform. |
 | MainCommonIcon | Gets or sets the predefined icon to be displayed in the task dialog. |
 | MainCustomIcon | Gets or sets the custom Icon to be displayed in the task dialog. |
 | MainInstruction | Gets or sets the string to be used for the main instruction. |
 | NoIconOnCommandLinks | Gets or sets whether the command links should appear without the default glyph. It doesn't affect whether or not the elevation icons should appear. |
 | ProgressBar | Adjusts the progress bar control hosted in the task dialog. |
 | RadioButtons | Gets the collection of radio buttons displayed in the task dialog. |
 | RightToLeft | Gets or sets whether the task dialog should draw right-to-left for RTL languages. |
 | SelectedRadioButton | Gets or sets a radio button that is currently selected in the task dialog. |
 | SelectedRadioIndex | Gets or sets the zero-based index of a radio button that is currently selected. |
 | Site | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | SizeToContent | Gets or sets whether the width of the task dialog is determined by the width of its content area. |
 | StartPosition | Gets or sets the initial position of the task dialog. |
 | Tag | Gets or sets an object that contains additional data about the C1TaskDialog. |
 | UseCommandLinks | Indicates that the buttons specified in the CustomButtons collection should be displayed as command links. |
 | Visible | Gets a value that indicates whether the task dialog is currently visible. |
 | Width | The width of the task dialog's client area. If 0, the task dialog manager will calculate the ideal width. |
 | WindowTitle | Gets or sets the string to be used for the task dialog title. |