WinForms Edition Documentation
C1.Win.C1Win7Pack Namespace / JumpItemRejectionReason Enumeration

JumpItemRejectionReason Enumeration
Describes why a C1JumpItem could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.
Public Enum JumpItemRejectionReason 
   Inherits System.Enum
CustomCategoriesDisabledCustom categories cannot be added while recent documents tracking is turned off.
InvalidItemThe C1JumpItem contains incorrect data, for example, references an invalid file path or has no title.
NoCustomCategoryThe C1JumpItem.CustomCategory was not specified.
NoRegisteredHandlerThe application is not registered to handle the file name extension of the C1JumpItem.
RemovedByUserThe item was previously in the Jump List but was removed by the user.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also