TouchToolKit for WinForms | ComponentOne
Zoom Policies / Zoom Policies for Standard Controls / FlowPanelLayoutZoomPolicy
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    The FlowLayoutPanelZoomPolicy is used to make sure the controls’ layout is always correct when zooming in and zooming out. If you zoom in and then zoom out without using the FlowLayoutPanelZoomPolicy then the controls’ layout maybe incorrect. FlowLayoutPanelZoomPolicy can make sure that controls’ layout is always correct.

    Initial zoomfactor is 100%, screenshot as shown below:

    flowlayout panel having zoom policy

    First zoom in the Form, then zoom out of the Form to 100%. The following table illustrates the difference between enabling and disabling the FlowLayoutPanelZoomPolicy.


    Without ZoomPolicy


    flowlayout panel without zoom policy

    flowlayout panel with zoom policy