Scheduler for WinForms | ComponentOne
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    Scheduler for WinForms Components
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    Scheduler for WinForms consists of the following controls and components, which provide all of the functionality for a scheduling application:

    The C1Schedule Control

    The C1Schedule control is a fully functional Outlook-style schedule that allows users to add, edit, and manage their appointments by loading all of the appointment data either from a bound DataSource or the built-in DataSource, which saves and loads data from binary, XML, or iCal file formats. By default, the C1Schedule control will display the appointment data in the DayView, and the current day is the first date displayed.

    The C1Calendar Control

    The C1Calendar control is a fully functional Outlook-style calendar that enables end-users to select the current date or the set of dates to change the ViewType property of the C1Schedule control while displaying appointment data in the C1Schedule control. Depending on the amount of space available, the C1Calendar control can display one or more months at a time. A functional scheduling application can be created without using the C1Calendar control, but the C1Calendar provides visual navigational capabilities.

    The C1ScheduleStorage Component

    The C1ScheduleStorage component handles all data operations for the C1Schedule control and contains specific data storages for appointments, resources, contacts, labels and statuses, which are used for binding different collections to the data. The C1ScheduleStorage component also handles data importing and exporting to other scheduling formats such as binary, iCal, and XML.

    See Also