'Declaration Public Class XHTMLImageItem Inherits XHTMLItemBase
public class XHTMLImageItem : XHTMLItemBase
'Declaration Public Class XHTMLImageItem Inherits XHTMLItemBase
public class XHTMLImageItem : XHTMLItemBase
Implementing a custom Image dialog, you will receive an instance of the XHTMLCellItem class in the IImageItemDialog.BindData method. Use it to bind the data to the dialog's UI.
void IImageItemDialog.BindData(XHTMLImageItem Item) { _cbxWidthType.SelectedIndex = (int)Item.WidthType; _cbxHeightType.SelectedIndex = (int)Item.HeightType; _tbWidthValue.Value = Math.Max(Item.WidthValue, 1); _tbHeightValue.Value = Math.Max(Item.HeightValue, 1); _tbSource.DataBindings.Add("Text", Item, "Source"); _chkWidth.DataBindings.Add("Checked", Item, "UseWidth"); _chkHeight.DataBindings.Add("Checked", Item, "UseHeight"); _tbAlternate.DataBindings.Add("Text", Item, "Alternate"); }