In This Topic
Home tab consists of several menu functions arranged in following groups:
Edit group: The following image displays Edit group:
It consists of the following options:
- Paste: Pastes the last copied item.
- Cut: Cuts the selected item, removing it from the report and allowing it to be pasted elsewhere.
- Copy: Copies the selected item so that it can be pasted elsewhere.
- Delete: Deletes the selected item.
- Undo: Undoes the last change that was made to the report definition.
- Redo: Redoes the last change that was made to the report definition.
Text group: The following image displays Text group:
It consists of the following options:
- Font: Displays the current font of the selected text and allows you to choose another font for the selected item (to do so, click the drop-down arrow next to the font name).
- Font Size: Displays the current font size of the selected text and allows you to choose another font size. Type a number in the font size box or click the drop-down arrow to choose a font size.
- Increase Font Size: Increases the font size by one point.
- Decrease Font Size: Decreases the font size by one point.
- Bold: Makes the selected text bold (you can also press CTRL+B).
- Italic: Italicizes the selected text (you can also press CTRL+I).
- Underline: Underlines the selected text (you can also press CTRL+U).
- Align Text Left: Aligns text to the left.
- Center Text: Aligns text to the center.
- Align Text Right: Aligns text to the right.
- Justify Text: Justifies the selected text.
- Font Color: Allows you to select the color of the selected text.
- Fill Color: Allows you to select the background color of the selected text.
Border group: The following image displays Border group:
It consists of the following options:
- Border Line Style: Defines the style of the border lines of the currently selected field(s). The styles available are: Solid, Dash, Dot, Dash-Dot, Dash-Dot-Dot, and Transparent.
- Border Line Color: Defines the color of the border lines of the currently selected field(s).
- Border Line Width: Defines the thickness of border line of the currently selected field(s) in twips.
Format group: The following image displays Format Group:
The Format group consists of the following options:
- Report Styles: Opens the Report Style Editor dialog box, where you can choose a built-in style or create and edit your own custom style.
- Format Painter: Applies style to the current selection.
- As Table Row: Formats the current selection as a table row.
You can access the Report Style Editor dialog box by clicking Report Styles in the Format group.
It consists of following elements:
- Style Gallery List: Displays all the currently available built-in and custom styles. See Style Gallery for information about the available built-in styles.
- Add button: Adds a custom style to the Style Gallery list. The style that is added is based on the style selected in the Style Gallery list when the Add button was clicked.
- Remove button: Removes a selected custom style. The button is enabled only when a custom style is selected in the Style Gallery list.
- Property grid: Lets you change the properties and edit a custom style. The Property grid is only available and editable when a custom style is selected in the Style Gallery list.
- Preview window: Displays a preview of the style selected in the Style Gallery list.
- Apply button: Applies the style to your selection without closing the dialog box.
- OK button: Closes the dialog box, applies your changes, and sets the style as the current selected style.
- Cancel button: Cancels any changes you have made to styles.
Data group: The following image displays Data group:
It consists of the following options:
- Sorting and grouping: Clicking this button opens the Sorting and Grouping dialog box where you can add and delete sorting and grouping criteria. For more information see Grouping Data and Sorting Data.
- Data Source: Clicking this button opens the Select a Data Source dialog box. The Select a Data Source dialog box allows you to choose a new data source, change the connection string, and edit the SQL statement. Clicking the Data source tab displays the tables, views, and stored procedures in the current data source. Clicking the Sql statement tab allows you to view the current SQL statement:
To change the connection string, click the ellipses button. This will open the Data Link Properties dialog box. To edit or change the SQL statement, click the Query builder... button which will open the Sql Builder dialog box.
- Report Info: Opens the Report Information dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set the report's Title, Author, Subject, Creator, and Keywords. You can also choose to apply report information to all reports.
- VBScript Editor: Opens VBScript Editor-Report.GlobalScripts dialog box. Multiple scripts can be easily edited in the VBScript Editor, allowing switching between statements and expressions.
View group: The following image displays View group:
It consists of the following options:
- Property Grid: Brings the Properties tab into view on the left pane. Note that you can also use F4 to view the Properties tab.
- Field List: Brings the Fields tab into view on the left pane.
- Zoom: Allows you to select a value to set the zoom level of the report.