Name | Description | |
AddOutlineEntry | Fired before the control adds an outline entry to the report. | |
Disposed | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) | |
EndPage | Fired when the control finishes rendering each page. | |
EndReport | Fired when the control finishes rendering the report. | |
EndSection | Fired when the control finishes rendering each Section. | |
InitializeParametersDialog | Fired before the control displays the Report Parameters dialog. | |
LongOperation | Occurs periodically during document generation. Allows to provide progress indication and the ability to cancel generation to the user. | |
NoData | Fired when the control starts rendering a report and the data source is empty. | |
PrintSection | Fired before each Section is printed (after it has been formatted.) | |
ReportError | Fired when an error occurs while rendering a report. | |
StartPage | Fired when the control starts rendering each page. | |
StartReport | Fired when the control starts rendering the report, before it opens the source recordset. | |
StartSection | Fired before each Section is formatted. |