Gauges for WinForms | ComponentOne
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    Working with Other Radial Gauge Shapes (not finished)
    In This Topic

    Working with Other Radial Gauge Shapes (not finished)

    The ellipse is the most simple and generic gauge shape. C1Gauge also supports more complex shapes such as sectors and segments. These shapes allow us to create gauges where the scale does not necessarily go in a full circle around the pointer. We saw how to set the scale for these shapes in the previous section. It’s quite common for a radial gauge to be half-circular or “clamshell” shaped.

    Select Add C1GaugeSegment. You will notice this shape fits better with the scale we have set up. So we could remove the ellipse by selecting it and clicking Remove.

    With segments and sectors we can set the InnerRadius and OuterRadius properties even further customize the shape. Here, let’s set the InnerRadius of our segment shape to 180, and set the CornerRadius to 10.