In C1Chart, the X, Y, Y1, Y2, and Y3 data array objects accept Object data types. Therefore, a variety of .NET type arrays may be entered into the ChartDataArray objects (except for PointData). The CopyDataIn method of the ChartDataArray takes an Object data type (which can be an array of various types) and loads it into the data array.
A good implementation would be to maintain a set of arrays for the data series and before the chart is to be drawn, update the C1Chart's data array objects with the arrays of values. This allows full control over the data and provides control over batching the data values. The following code shows a brief example of how the arrays can be built and set to the chart's data array objects:
To write code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic |
Copy Code
Dim xp(9) As Single Dim yp(9) As Single Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 9 xp(i) = i yp(i) = i * i Next i With C1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection(0).ChartData.SeriesList(0) .X.CopyDataIn(xp) .Y.CopyDataIn(yp) End With |
To write code in C#
C# |
Copy Code
float xp(10); float yp(10); int i; for( i=0; i < 10; i++) { xp[i] = i; yp[i] = i * i; } ChartDataSeries cds = c1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection[0].ChartData.SeriesList[0]; cds.X.CopyDataIn(xp); cds.Y.CopyDataIn(yp); |
While the CopyDataIn method loads the array data into the ChartDataArray objects, the CopyDataOut method extracts data from the array objects. This method returns an Object data type, which contains the data array.
To write code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic |
Copy Code
Dim xpo As Object Dim cds As ChartDataSeries cds = C1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection(0).ChartData.SeriesList(0) xpo = cds.X.CopyDataOut() |
To write code in C#
C# |
Copy Code
object xpo; ChartDataSeries cds; cds = c1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection[0].ChartData.SeriesList[0]; xpo = cds.X.CopyDataOut(); |
To prevent having to then convert this Object to an array of the correct data type, the CopyDataOut method can also accept a parameter of System.Type, which causes it to then produce an array of the specified type. Because the actual data type is required for the parameter, the code must also include the GetType() function (typeof() in C#) to deliver the correct type. In the following example, the arrays are returned from the chart's ChartDataArray objects with the CopyDataOut method, but as data arrays of type Single:
To write code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic |
Copy Code
Dim xpo As Single() Dim ypo As Single() With C1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection(0).ChartData.SeriesList(0) xpo = .X.CopyDataOut(GetType(Single())) ypo = .Y.CopyDataOut(GetType(Single())) End With |
To write code in C#
C# |
Copy Code
ChartDataSeries cds; cds = c1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection[0].ChartData.SeriesList[0]; float[] xpo = cds.X.CopyDataOut(typeof(float[])); float[] ypo = cds.Y.CopyDataOut(typeof(float[])); |
To write code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic |
Copy Code
Dim xpo() As Single xpo = CType(C1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection(0), Single())_ .ChartData.SeriesList(0).X.CopyDataOut(GetType(Single())) |
To write code in C#
C# |
Copy Code
float[] xpo; xpo = (float[])c1Chart1.ChartGroups.ChartGroupsCollection[0].ChartData .SeriesList[0].X.CopyDataOut(typeof(float[])); |