C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1ReportViewer.ReportService Namespace / ReportCache Class / Enabled Property

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Enabled Property (ReportCache)
In This Topic
Specifies whether the control should store rendered reports in the cache.
Public Property Enabled As System.Boolean

Property Value

true if enabled; otherwise, false.

This property is set to true by default, allowing the C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1ReportViewer.C1ReportViewer to use the System.Web.UI.Page.Cache object to store frequently used reports. This enhances performance significantly, but it does use some server resources.

If you want to reduce the memory requirements on the server, setting the Enabled property to false will cause the C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1ReportViewer.C1ReportViewer control not to use the cache. Reports will be rendered every time they are requested, and memory usage will be reduced at the expense of more data access and processing time needed to create the reports multiple times.

In general, you should only turn the cache off if you are rendering a custom report that probably won't be requested again in the next few hours.

See Also