Quick Start / Step 3 of 3: Using the C1Editor Control at Run Time
Step 3 of 3: Using the C1Editor Control at Run Time

In the last step of this quick start, you customized the appearance of the C1Editor control. In this step, you will run your project and explore several of C1Editor's run-time features.

  1. Press F5 to build the project. At run time, C1Editor resembles the following image:

  2. Copy the following text and paste it into C1Editor's text editor:

    ComponentOne Editor for ASP.NET Wijmo is easy to use for developers and users alike. It even has a spell chekker!

  3. Edit the text by completing the following steps:
    1. Select "ComponentOne Editor for ASP.NET Web Forms" and then click the Bold button .

    2. Select "and" and then click the Italic button .
    3. Select "spell chekker" and then click the Underline button .
  4. Click the Spelling button to initialize a spell check. C1Editor performs the spell check and opens the Spell Checker dialog box.
  5. Press Change to replace the misspelled word ("chekker") with the correct word ("checker").

    An alert box opens to inform you that the spell check is complete.
  6. Press OK to close the alert box. The Spell Checker dialog box also closes.
  7. Click the Insert tab.
  8. Place your cursor after the text and then click the Insert Horizontal Line button .
    A horizontal line appears beneath the text.
  9. Click the Insert Date and Time button .
    The current date appears beneath the horizontal rule.

Step 3 of 3 Completed

Congratulations! You have successfully completed all three steps of the Editor for ASP.NET Web Forms quick start. In this quick start, you have added a C1Editor control to your project, edited its appearance, and learned how to use several of its run-time features. Your completed project will resemble the following image:

See Also