Web API Core | ComponentOne
Services / Excel Services / Find/Replace Text
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    Find/Replace Text
    In This Topic

    Excel Web API services allows the user to perform basic text operations such as find a text in an excel sheet and replace a text in an excel sheet.

    To use the Find/Replace text feature in an excel file, you need to use a GET method.

    Find a Text

    To find a text in an excel sheet, you need to use the GET method.

    GET: http://<host>[port]/api/excel/{excel path}/{sheet name}/find

    The following illustration depicts a request URL with parameters to find a text in an Excel file.

    The following table elaborates request URL parameters required to find a text in an excel file.


    Values Supported



    xls, xlsx

    The excel file name that storage manager can recognize.

    Sheet Name


    The sheet name (if not provide, find in all sheets).



    Text you want to search in the excel file.

    Match Case

    String Text you want to use for Match Case.

    Whole Cell

    String Text you want to find in whole cell.

    Once you run the application, it will match the text provided in the URL and you will see the following elements in the output.

    Replace a Text

    To replace a text in an excel sheet, you need to use the GET method.

    GET: http://<host>[port]/api/excel/{excel path}/{sheet name}/replace

    The following illustration depicts a request URL with parameters to replace a text in an Excel file.

    The following table elaborates request URL parameters required to replace a text in an excel file.


    Values Supported



    xls, xlsx

    The excel file name that storage manager can recognize.

    Sheet Name


    The sheet name (if not provide, find in all sheets).



    Text you want to search in the excel file.

    New Text

    String Text you want to replace.

    Match Case

    Sting Text you want to use for match case.

    Whole Cell

    String Text you want to find in whole cell.

    Once you run the application, it will replace the text with new text specified in the request URL.