ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent Namespace / ChartAnimationExtension Class / ShowAnimation<T,TControl,TChartBuilder> Method
The type of data.
The type of the chart control which inherits from FlexChartBase.
The type of the chart builder which inherits from FlexChartBaseBuilder.
The specified chart builder.
The action to set the ChartAnimation.

In This Topic
    ShowAnimation<T,TControl,TChartBuilder> Method
    In This Topic
    Apply the ChartAnimation extender in the chart.
    Public Shared Function ShowAnimation
        (Of T,TControl As {FlexChartBase(Of T), IAnimatable},
         TChartBuilder As FlexChartBaseBuilder(Of T,TControl,TChartBuilder))( _
       ByVal chartBuilder As FlexChartBaseBuilder(Of T,TControl,TChartBuilder), _
       Optional ByVal animationBuilder As Action(Of ChartAnimationBuilder(Of T)) _
    ) As TChartBuilder
    public static TChartBuilder ShowAnimation<T,TControl,TChartBuilder>( 
       FlexChartBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TChartBuilder> chartBuilder,
       Action<ChartAnimationBuilder<T>> animationBuilder
    where TControl: FlexChartBase<T>, IAnimatable
    where TChartBuilder: FlexChartBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TChartBuilder>


    The specified chart builder.
    The action to set the ChartAnimation.

    Type Parameters

    The type of data.
    The type of the chart control which inherits from FlexChartBase.
    The type of the chart builder which inherits from FlexChartBaseBuilder.

    Return Value

    Current builder.
    See Also