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Input Field

The InputField report item is used to create fillable fields in a PDF document generated from exporting a report to PDF. In the ActiveReportsJS Report Viewer, an input field is displayed as regular text. It only becomes editable within the exported PDF document.

Adding an InputField

To include a InputField in your report, you can either double-click the corresponding item within the toolbox or use the drag-and-drop method to place it into a report page area or another container, such as a Banded List Section.

General InputField Configuration

The general configuration includes Base Report Item properties, Common Style Properties, and Visibility. The subset of text properties configures the appearance of the initial field value in the Report Viewer.


The properties in the Input section configure the appearance and behavior of the editable field in the PDF output:

  • The Type property indicates the input method—it can either be Text or Checkbox.

  • The Field Name property designates the name of the editable field in the PDF document.

  • The Read Only flag determines whether the field should be editable or not.

  • The Required flag specifies whether a PDF document reader must fill in the field value.

The following properties are applicable to the Text input field:

  • The Value expression sets the default value of the editable field, which is also displayed in the report viewer.

  • The Max Length property indicates the maximum allowed length of the input.

  • The Spell-Check flag enables or disables the spell check for the input.

  • The Multiline property indicates whether the field value can be split into multiple lines.

  • The Password flag determines whether the input should be masked.

The following properties are applicable to the Checkbox input field:

  • The Checked flag sets the default value of the editable field, which is also displayed in the report viewer.

  • The CheckStyle property indicates the shape of the checked mark that displays when the field is checked.

  • The CheckSize property sets the size of the shape of the checked mark.