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An Image report item displays static or dynamic images in a report. Static images can be embedded into a report template. Dynamic images come from an external source, such as an URL or a data set field containing image data in Base64 format.

Adding an Image

You can add an Image into a report by either double-click the corresponding item in the toolbox or drag-and-drop it to a report page area or other container, such as a Table cell.

Expand to watch adding an Image into a table cell in action


General Image Configuration

The general configuration includes Base Report Item properties, Common Style Properties, and Visibility

Image Appearance

The drop-down editor of the Image property in the Appearance section provides a quick way to choose the image source.

  • The Shared tab enumerates image files that reside in the same folder as the report template

  • The Embedded tab contains the list of embedded images

  • The Database tab shows the fields from the report datasets

Expand to watch using the Image drop-down editor in action

Selecting any of the items on these tabs automatically sets the following properties that can also be configured manually if you click the expand icon on the right side of the Image property.

  • The Source specifies where the image come from

    • External - URL or a file on the local file system. For instance, the Get Started with Banded Reports walkthrough uses the option to display employee photos.

    • Embedded - embedded report images. ActiveReportsJS demo reports, such as the Simple Table use this option to show the company name logo in the page header.

    • Database - a data set field that contains the image data in Base64 format

  • The Value expression is an image Id, for instance the URL. In addition, you could set an image to one of the Data Visualizers.

  • The MIME Type expression specifies the image type. Supported types are jpeg, png and svg

In addition, you can specify how an image should be arranged within a bounding box:

  • The Image Sizing determines the relation between the report item size and one of the image:

    * Clip - if the image size is larger than the report item size, then the image is cut off

    * Fit - the image size is expanded or contracted to fit into the report item's bounding box

    * FitProportional - the image size is expanded or contracted to fit into the report item's bounding box, preserving the width to height ratio

    * AutoSize - the report item size is automatically set to the image size

  • The Horizontal Alignment and Vertical Alignment are applicable for the Clip and FitProportional sizing modes:

    * If the image is clipped, then these properties determine which portion of the original image displays within the report item's bounding box.

    * If the image is fit with preserving the width to height ratio, then these properties determine the image's alignment within the report items' bounding box.