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ActiveReportJS Designer Themes

Built-in Themes

The ActiveReportsJS download package, CDN distribution, and @mescius/activereportsjs npm package include the following CSS files that set up the appearance of the ActiveReportsJS Designer component:

  • ar-js-ui.css: Common styles used for both Viewer and Designer components.

  • ar-js-designer.css: Styles specific to the Designer component, including several predefined themes:

    • System

    • Default

    • DefaultDark

    • DarkOled

    • HighContrast

    • HighContrastDark

    • ActiveReports

    • ActiveReportsDark

You can attach these styles to a page or component that hosts the ActiveReportsJS Report Designer via the <link> tag:


Alternatively, you can include these styles via a CSS loader if it's supported in your application:

import "@mescius/activereportsjs/styles/ar-js-ui.css";
import "@mescius/activereportsjs/styles/ar-js-designer.css";

Setting the Report Designer Component Theme

Pure JavaScript

To set the Report Designer component theme in a pure JavaScript application, use the DesignerConfig object passed to the component constructor:

// Define the configuration object for the designer
var designerConfig = {
    themeConfig: {
        initialTheme: 'ActiveReports' // Set the initial theme
// Initialize the Report Designer with the specified configuration
var designer = new MESCIUS.ActiveReportsJS.ReportDesigner.Designer("#designer-host", designerConfig);

React Applications

To set the theme for the React Report Designer component you can use the onInit property that should resolve to a function that retrieves the DesignerConfig object, for example:

import React from "react";
import { Designer } from "@mescius/activereportsjs-react";

// Function to initialize the designer with a specific theme
function onInit() {
  return {
      themeConfig: {initialTheme: 'ActiveReports'},

// Main App component rendering the designer
function App() {
  return (
      <Designer onInit={onInit} />

export default App;

Angular Applications

Similarly, the Angular Report Designer component exposes the onInit input property that should resolve to a function that retrieves the DesignerConfig object, for example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
    '<div id="designer-host"><gc-activereports-designer [onInit]="onInit"> </gc-activereports-designer></div>'
export class AppComponent {
  // Function to initialize the designer with a specific theme
  onInit = function onInit() {
    return {
      themeConfig: {initialTheme: 'ActiveReports'}

Vue Applications

Similarly, the Vue Report Designer accepts the reference to the onInit function:

  <div id="designer-host">

<script lang="ts">
import { Designer } from "@mescius/activereportsjs-vue";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
    ReportDesigner: Designer,
  methods: {
    // Function to initialize the designer with a specific theme
    onInit() {
      return {
        themeConfig: {initialTheme: 'ActiveReports'}

Svelte Applications

The Svelte Report Designer exposes the onInit property that should resolve to a function that returns the DesignerConfig object:

<script lang="ts">
  import {Designer} from "@mescius/activereportsjs-svelte";
  // Function to initialize the designer with a specific theme
  function onInit() {
      return {
          themeConfig: {initialTheme: 'ActiveReports'}

<div id="designer-host">
  <Designer bind:this={designerInst} onInit={onInit}></Designer>

Configuring the Report Designer Component Theme Picker

The Report Designer Component UI shows the theme picker on the right-bottom corner:


In addition to the initalTheme property of the themeConfig, you could also use themeSelector property that allows to configure the theme selector:

var designerConfig = {
    themeConfig: {
        initialTheme: 'ActiveReports', // Set the initial theme
        themeSelector: {
            isEnabled: true, // Enable the theme selector
            availableThemes: ['ActiveReports', 'System', 'Default'] // List of available themes for selection
var designer = new MESCIUS.ActiveReportsJS.ReportDesigner.Designer("#designer-host", designerConfig);