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A Subreport is a report item that embeds an existing report into the main report's body. There are several scenarios when a Subreport gets useful:

  • Report Reusability: A subreport can be created once and reused multiple times across different main reports.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: Multiple reports can be merged into one comprehensive document using subreports.

  • Display of Related Data: Subreports can exhibit data from different data sources. This is particularly useful when correlating related data that doesn't come from a single source. However, if the report's design allows for it, nested data regions are recommended to achieve the same outcome, often providing a more streamlined approach.

Adding a Subreport

To include a Subreport in your report, you can either double-click the corresponding item within the toolbox or use the drag-and-drop method to place it into a report page area or another container, such as a Banded List Section.

General Subreport Configuration

The general configuration includes Base Report Item properties, Common Style Properties, and Visibility.

Report Name and Parameters

The properties Report Name and Report Parameters are essential in determining the content to be rendered within the Subreport control.

  • The Report Name could be either a reachable URL or an ID, which can be resolved by a custom resource locator, pointing towards the report intended to be displayed as a subreport.

  • The Report Parameters property represents the collection of parameter values which are passed to the instance of the linked report. The NAME in this collection should align with the name of the corresponding parameter in the linked report to ensure successful data transfer and accurate rendering.


  • The Keep together property is designed to keep all subreport content on the same page, provided it fits within the page's limitations. However, this property is not applicable to pageless reports, as these types of layouts do not employ conventional page breaks.