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Bullet Chart

The Bullet Chart provides a clear and concise way to compare a primary measure (like actual revenue) to a target measure (like budgeted or forecasted revenue). You can see the Bullet Chart in action on our demo website.

Adding a Bullet Chart to Your Report

To incorporate a Bullet Chart into your report, you can either double-click the corresponding item in the toolbox or drag-and-drop it into a report page area or another container, such as a Banded List Section.

General Bullet Chart Configuration

The overall configuration includes Base Report Item properties and Visibility settings. The Orientation property within the Appearance section determines whether the chart is displayed horizontally or vertically.

Data Settings

  • Worst Value and Best Value expressions dictate the range of values shown within the chart.

  • The Interval expression sets the gap between adjacent labels on the chart.

  • The Value and Target Value expressions specify the primary measure and the target measure, respectively.

  • Use Range1 Boundary and Range2 Boundary expressions to set the limits of additional ranges visualized in shades of gray on the chart.

Here's an example of how these settings look:


Label Configuration

By default, labels appear at the bottom (for horizontal orientation) or on the left side (for vertical orientation). You can hide these labels using the Show Labels flag in the Appearance section. Additionally, the Format property in the same section and a subset of text properties in the Label Style section govern the visual appearance of the labels. The ticks between the label and the edge of the chart can be configured using properties listed in the Tick Style section.

Value and Target Value Styles

The Color property in the Value Style section allows you to set the background color of the rectangle representing the primary measure. The shape, color, and size of the figure designating the target value can be customized using properties under the Target Style section.