| Name | Description |
| AlignCells | |
| ApplyBuiltInCellStyle | Apply the built-in cell style number format with two decimal places. |
| ApplyFilterSelection | Apply filter for current selection. |
| AutoSumSelectedCells | [Alt-=] Places SUM formula(s) below the selection. |
| Backspace | [Backspace] Enters cell edit mode with empty text in the cell. |
| Bold | [Ctrl-B] [Ctrl-2] Toggles bolding on and off for the current selection. |
| CalculateWorksheets | [F9] Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks. [Shift-F9] Calculate the active worksheet only. |
| CancelEditing | [Esc] Pressing the escape key while editing a cell aborts the operation and leaves the cell in it's original state. |
| CheckAutoFilterAndSortAvailability | Check AutoFilter and Sort availability. |
| CheckAutoFilterAvailability | Check AutoFilter availability. |
| ClearAll | Clear all from selected cells |
| ClearFilterSelection | Clear sort filter for current selected autofilter. |
| ClearFormat | Clear format from selected cells |
| ClearSortFilterSelection | |
| CopyFormulaFromCellAbove | [Ctrl-'] Copies the formula in the cell above to the active (current) current cell and leaves the cell in edit mode. |
| CopySelectedCells | [Ctrl-C] Copy puts everything on the clipboard: text, formulas, formatting, borders, fills, etc. |
| CopyValueFromCellAbove | [Ctrl-Shift-"] Copies the value in the cell above to the selected cell and leaves the cell in edit mode. If the cell above is a formula, only the value is copied. |
| CurrencyFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-$] Apply the Currency format with two decimal places. |
| CutSelectedCells | [Ctrl-X] Cut puts everything on the clipboard: text, formulas, formatting, borders, fills, etc. |
| DateFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-#] Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year. |
| Delete | [Delete] Deletes the cell value. |
| EditActiveCell | [F2] Enters cell edit mode with the cursor at the end of the last line of text in the cell. |
| EditWorksheetName | Start editing name of the active worksheet. |
| EnterArrayFormula | [Ctrl-Shift-Enter] Enter an array formula. |
| EnterSameDataInMultipleCells | [Ctrl-Enter] With multiple cells selected, this shortcut will enter the same data in all cells in the selection at once. With a single cell selected, this shortcut will enter a value and leave the same cell selected. |
| ExtendLastCellDownSelection | [Ctrl-Shift-Down] Extend the entire bottom edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendLastCellLeftSelection | [Ctrl-Shift-Left] Extend the entire left edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendLastCellRightSelection | [Ctrl-Shift-Right] Extend the entire right edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendLastCellUpSelection | [Ctrl-Shift-Up] Extend the entire top edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendOneCellDownSelection | [Shift-Down] Extend the entire bottom edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendOneCellLeftSelection | [Shift-Left] Extend the entire left edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendOneCellRightSelection | [Shift-Right] Extend the entire right edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendOneCellUpSelection | [Shift-Up] Extend the entire top edge of the current selection. |
| ExtendOneScreenDownSelection | [Shift-PgDn] The distance moved down depends on the size of the worksheet window. |
| ExtendOneScreenLeftSelection | [Alt-Shift-PgUp] Extends the current selection one screen to the left. |
| ExtendOneScreenRightSelection | [Alt-Shift-PgDn] Extends the current selection one screen to the right. |
| ExtendOneScreenUpSelection | [Shift-PgUp] The distance moved up depends on the size of the worksheet window. |
| FontBoldCommand | |
| FontCommand | Adjust selection cells Vertical/Horizontal Alignment |
| FontItalicCommand | |
| FontUnderlineCommand | |
| FormatCells | [Ctrl-1] Displays the Format Cells dialog box with the "last tab used" selected. |
| GeneralFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-~] Apply the General number format. |
| HideUnhideRowsColumns | [Ctrl-0] Hide columns that intersect the current selection. [Ctrl-9] Hide rows that intersect the current selection. [Ctrl-Shift-0] Unhide any hidden columns that intersect the current selection. [Ctrl-Shift-9] Unhide any hidden rows that intersect the current selection. |
| InsertCurrentDate | [Ctrl-;] Insert the current date as a fixed value. |
| InsertCurrentTime | [Ctrl-Shift-:] Insert the current time as a fixed value. |
| InsertIndent | |
| Italic | [Ctrl-I] [Ctrl+3] Toggles italics on and off for the current selection. |
| MoveActiveCell | [Enter] Cycle through every cell in a selection, moving from top left to bottom right. [Shift-Enter] Cycle through every cell in a selection, moving from bottom right to top left. [Tab] Move the active cell right one cell when there are multiple cells selected. [Shift-Tab] Move the active cell left one cell when there are multiple cells selected. [Ctrl-.] Cycle through every cell in a selection, moving from top left to bottom right. |
| MoveDown | [Down] Moves current selection one cell below the active selection. |
| MoveDownByScreen | [PgDn] Moves current selection one screen below the active selection. |
| MoveDownDataEdge | [Ctrl-Down] If the active cell is empty, Spread will stop on the first non-empty cell below the active cell. If the active cell is non-empty, Spread will stop on the last non-empty cell below the active cell. |
| MoveLastCellDown | [Ctrl + Down] Moves the current selection to the next non empty row in column data cell; |
| MoveLastCellLeft | [Ctrl + Left] Moves current selection to the previous non empty column in row data cell; |
| MoveLastCellRight | [Ctrl + Right] Moves the current seleciton to the next non empty column in row data cell; |
| MoveLastCellUp | [Ctrl + Up] Moves the current selection to the previous non empty row in column data cell; |
| MoveLeft | [Left] Moves current selection one cell to the left of the active selection. |
| MoveLeftByScreen | [Alt-PgUp] Moves current selection one screen to the left of the active selection. |
| MoveLeftDataEdge | [Ctrl-Left] If the active cell is empty, Spread will stop on the first non-empty cell to the left. If the active cell is non-empty, Spread will stop on the last non-empty cell to the left.. |
| MoveRight | [Right] Moves current selection one cell to the right of the active selection. |
| MoveRightByScreen | [Alt-PgDn] Moves current selection one screen to the right of the active selection. |
| MoveRightDataEdge | [Ctrl-Right] If the active cell is empty, Spread will stop on the first non-empty cell to the right. If the active cell is non-empty, Spread will stop on the last non-empty cell to the right. |
| MoveToFirstCell | [Ctrl+Home] If freeze pane is enabled, this shortcut will go to the upper left cell in the current pane. If freeze pane is not enabled, this shortcut will go the cell upper left cell in the worksheet (A1). |
| MoveToFirstCellInRow | [Home] Moves to beginning of row. |
| MoveToLastCell | [Ctrl+End] The last cell is at the intersection of the last row that contains data and the last column that contains data. The last cell may or may not contain data. |
| MoveToLastCellInRow | [End] Moves to ending of row. |
| MoveUp | [Up] Moves current selection one above the active selection. |
| MoveUpByScreen | [PgUp] Moves current selection one screen above the active selection. |
| MoveUpDataEdge | [Ctrl-Up] If the active cell is empty, Spread will stop on the first non-empty cell above the active cell. If the active cell is non-empty, Spread will stop on the last non-empty cell above the active cell. |
| NumberFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-!] Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values. |
| PagesCommand | |
| PasteContentFromClipboard | [Ctrl-V] Paste will paste everything on the clipboard, both content and formatting. |
| PercentageFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-%] Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places. |
| ReApplySortFilterSelection | Re-apply sort filter for current selected autofilter. |
| ScientificFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-^] Apply the Scientific number format with two decimal places. |
| SelectActiveCell | [Shift+Backspace] When multiple cells are selected, this shortcut will leave only the active cell selected. |
| SelectEntireColumn | [Ctrl-Space] Select the entire column of the current selection. If the current selection spans multiple columns, all columns that intersect the selection will be selected. |
| SelectEntireRow | [Shift-Space] Select the entire row of the current selection. If the current selection spans multiple rows, all rows that intersect the selection will be selected. |
| SelectEntireTableOrWorksheet | [Ctrl-A] Select the entire table or worksheet. |
| ShapeBringForward | Bring shape forward. |
| ShapeBringToFront | Bring shape to the front. |
| ShapeGroup | Group the selected drawing object. |
| ShapeReGroup | Re-group the drawing objects. |
| ShapeSendBackward | Send shape backward. |
| ShapeSendToBack | Send shape to the back. |
| ShapeUnGroup | Un-group the selected drawing object. |
| ShowActiveCell | [Ctrl+Backspace] Scroll the screen to show the active cell on the worksheet. |
| ShowSubEditor | [Alt - Down] Show subeditor if celltype has sub editor. |
| SortSelection | Sort by Ascending/Descending for current selection. |
| StopEditing | Enters a value and leave the same cell selected. |
| StopSheetTabEditing | Enters a value and leave the same sheet's tab selected. |
| Strikethrough | [Ctrl-5] Toggles strikethrough on and off for the current selection. |
| TimeFormat | [Ctrl-Shift-@] Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. |
| Underscoring | [Ctrl-U] [Ctrl+4] Toggles underlining on and off for the current selection. |
| WrapText | |