| Name | Description |
| AxisGroup | Gets or sets the group for the specified series. |
| BarShape | Gets or sets the shape used with the 3D bar or column chart. |
| BoxWhiskerOptions | Gets an IBoxWhiskerOptions object that represents the properties of a box and whisker chart. |
| BubbleSizes | Gets or sets a System.Double array that refers to the worksheet cells containing the size data for the bubble chart. |
| BubbleSizesFormula | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for bubble sizes, using A1-notation formula. |
| BubbleSizesFormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for bubble sizes, using R1C1-notation formula. |
| ChartType | Gets the chart type. |
| DataLabels | Gets an object that represents either a single data label (a IDataLabel object) or a collection of all the data labels for the series (a IDataLabels collection). |
| DataLabelsRangeFormula | Gets or sets a string value that represents the data labels range's formula in A1-style notation. |
| DataLabelsRangeFormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets a string value that represents the data labels range's formula in R1C1-style notation. |
| Effect3D | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series has a three-dimensional appearance. |
| ErrorBars | Gets an IErrorBars object that represents the error bars for the series. |
| Explosion | Gets or sets the explosion value for a pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice. |
| Format | Gets the IChartFormat object. |
| Formula | Gets or sets a string value that represents the object's formula in A1-style notation |
| FormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets a string value that represents the object's formula in R1C1-style notation |
| InvertColor | Gets or sets the fill color for negative data points in a series. |
| InvertColorIndex | Sets the fill color for negative data points in a series. |
| InvertIfNegative | Gets or sets a value indicating whether inverts the pattern in the item when it corresponds to a negative number. |
| LeaderLines | Gets an ILeaderLines object that represents the leader lines for the series. |
| MarkerBackgroundColor | Gets or set the marker background color as an RGB value or returns the corresponding color index value. |
| MarkerBackgroundColorIndex | Sets the marker background color as an index into the current color palette, or as one of the following constants: GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.ColorIndexAutomatic or GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.ColorIndexNone. |
| MarkerForegroundColor | Gets or set the marker foreground color as an RGB value or returns the corresponding color index value. |
| MarkerForegroundColorIndex | Sets the marker foreground color as an index into the current color palette, or as one of the following constants: GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.ColorIndexAutomatic or GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.ColorIndexNone. |
| MarkerSize | Gets or sets the data-marker size, in points. Can be a value from 2 through 72. |
| MarkerStyle | Gets or sets the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart. |
| Name | Gets or sets a string value representing the name of the object. |
| NameFormula | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for name, using A1-notation formula. |
| NameFormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for name, using R1C1-notation formula. |
| PlotOrder | Gets or sets the plot order for the selected series within the chart group. |
| Points | Gets an object that represents a single point (an IPoint object) or a collection of all the points (an IPoints collection) in the series. |
| ShowConnectorLines | Gets or sets a value indicating whether connector lines are shown in waterfall charts. |
| ShowDataLabels | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series has data labels. |
| ShowErrorBars | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series has error bars. |
| ShowLeaderLines | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the series has leader lines. |
| Smooth | Gets or sets a value indicating whether curve smoothing is turned on for the line chart or scatter chart. |
| Trendlines | Gets an object that represents a single trendline or a collection of all the trendlines for the series. |
| Values | Gets or sets a System.Double array that represents a collection of all the values in the series. |
| ValuesFormula | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for values, using A1-notation formula. |
| ValuesFormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for values, using R1C1-notation formula. |
| Visible | Gets a boolean value that determines whether the series is visible. |
| XValues | Gets or sets an array of x values for a chart series. |
| XValuesFormula | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for x values, using A1-notation formula. |
| XValuesFormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets the range, which contains the source data for x values, using R1C1-notation formula. |