Spread WPF 18
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Charts Namespace / IChartFormat Interface

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    IChartFormat Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IChartFormat.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IFillFormat object for the parent chart element that contains fill formatting properties for the chart element.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IGlowFormat object for a specified chart that contains glow formatting properties for the chart element.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.ILineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for the specified chart element.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IPictureFormat object for a specified chart that contains pictures.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IShadowFormat object that contains shadow formatting properties for the chart element.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.ISoftEdgeFormat object for a specified chart that contains soft edge formatting properties for the chart.  
     PropertyGets an GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.ITextFrame object that contains text formatting for the specified chart element.  
     PropertyGets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing.IThreeDFormat object that contains 3D-effect formatting properties for the specified chart.  
    See Also