Spread Windows Forms 18
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType Namespace / GradientHeaderRenderer Class / DrawHeader Method / DrawHeader(Graphics,Rectangle,Rectangle,Color,Color,Color,Color,LinearGradientMode,Color,Font,HorizontalAlignment,VerticalAlignment,Boolean,String,String,ButtonTextAlign,TextOrientation,Boolean,Int32,Color,Color,Image,Image,Boolean,HotkeyPrefix,Appearance,Single) Method
Graphics device interface for painting the header cell
Location and size of a rectangular region
Rectangular region for the text
Color at the top of the gradient
Color at the bottom of the gradient
Color at the top of the gradient when active
Color at the bottom of the gradient when active
Mode of the linear gradient
Color of the text
Font of the text
Horizontal alignment of the text
Vertical alignment of the text
State of the header being pressed
Text to display in the header
Text to display in the header when pressed
Alignment of the text
Orientation of the text with respect to the button picture in the header
Whether to wrap text to multiple lines
Size in pixels of the shadow
Dark color
Light color
Picture to display when the button is not pressed
Picture to display when the button is pressed
Whether the button is locked
Letter to underline as a hotkey prefix
Appearance settings of the header cell
Numeric value for scaling the display of the header cells

In This Topic
    DrawHeader(Graphics,Rectangle,Rectangle,Color,Color,Color,Color,LinearGradientMode,Color,Font,HorizontalAlignment,VerticalAlignment,Boolean,String,String,ButtonTextAlign,TextOrientation,Boolean,Int32,Color,Color,Image,Image,Boolean,HotkeyPrefix,Appearance,Single) Method
    In This Topic
    Paints the gradient header cell.
    Public Overloads Sub DrawHeader( _
       ByVal g As Graphics, _
       ByVal r As Rectangle, _
       ByVal rectTextIn As Rectangle, _
       ByVal topColor As Color, _
       ByVal bottomColor As Color, _
       ByVal activeTopColor As Color, _
       ByVal activeBottomColor As Color, _
       ByVal mode As LinearGradientMode, _
       ByVal foreColor As Color, _
       ByVal font As Font, _
       ByVal halign As HorizontalAlignment, _
       ByVal valign As VerticalAlignment, _
       ByVal pressed As Boolean, _
       ByVal text As String, _
       ByVal textDown As String, _
       ByVal nAlign As ButtonTextAlign, _
       ByVal textOrientation As TextOrientation, _
       ByVal wordWrap As Boolean, _
       ByVal shadowSize As Integer, _
       ByVal darkColor As Color, _
       ByVal lightColor As Color, _
       ByVal pictUp As Image, _
       ByVal pictDown As Image, _
       ByVal bLocked As Boolean, _
       ByVal prefix As HotkeyPrefix, _
       ByVal appearance As Appearance, _
       ByVal zoomFactor As Single _
    Dim instance As GradientHeaderRenderer
    Dim g As Graphics
    Dim r As Rectangle
    Dim rectTextIn As Rectangle
    Dim topColor As Color
    Dim bottomColor As Color
    Dim activeTopColor As Color
    Dim activeBottomColor As Color
    Dim mode As LinearGradientMode
    Dim foreColor As Color
    Dim font As Font
    Dim halign As HorizontalAlignment
    Dim valign As VerticalAlignment
    Dim pressed As Boolean
    Dim text As String
    Dim textDown As String
    Dim nAlign As ButtonTextAlign
    Dim textOrientation As TextOrientation
    Dim wordWrap As Boolean
    Dim shadowSize As Integer
    Dim darkColor As Color
    Dim lightColor As Color
    Dim pictUp As Image
    Dim pictDown As Image
    Dim bLocked As Boolean
    Dim prefix As HotkeyPrefix
    Dim appearance As Appearance
    Dim zoomFactor As Single
    instance.DrawHeader(g, r, rectTextIn, topColor, bottomColor, activeTopColor, activeBottomColor, mode, foreColor, font, halign, valign, pressed, text, textDown, nAlign, textOrientation, wordWrap, shadowSize, darkColor, lightColor, pictUp, pictDown, bLocked, prefix, appearance, zoomFactor)


    Graphics device interface for painting the header cell
    Location and size of a rectangular region
    Rectangular region for the text
    Color at the top of the gradient
    Color at the bottom of the gradient
    Color at the top of the gradient when active
    Color at the bottom of the gradient when active
    Mode of the linear gradient
    Color of the text
    Font of the text
    Horizontal alignment of the text
    Vertical alignment of the text
    State of the header being pressed
    Text to display in the header
    Text to display in the header when pressed
    Alignment of the text
    Orientation of the text with respect to the button picture in the header
    Whether to wrap text to multiple lines
    Size in pixels of the shadow
    Dark color
    Light color
    Picture to display when the button is not pressed
    Picture to display when the button is pressed
    Whether the button is locked
    Letter to underline as a hotkey prefix
    Appearance settings of the header cell
    Numeric value for scaling the display of the header cells
    See Also