Spread Windows Forms 18
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace / IFpStatusBar Interface
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    IFpStatusBar Interface Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by IFpStatusBar.

    Public Properties
     PropertyGets or sets the backcolor of the status bar.  
     PropertyGets the collection of elements in the status bar.  
     PropertyGets or sets where the context menu of status bar is enabled  
     PropertyGets or sets the text font in the status bar.  
     PropertyGets or sets the forecolor of the status bar.  
     PropertyGets the fpspread that owns the status bar.  
     PropertyGets or sets the skin for the status bar.  
     PropertyGets or sets the zoom level button color when when the mouse is over it.  
     PropertyGets or sets the color of the zoom slider button.  
     PropertyGets or sets the color for the zoom slider button when the mouse is over the button.  
     PropertyGets or sets the track color for the zoom slider in the status bar.  
    Public Methods
     MethodApplies the skin to the status bar.  
    See Also