| Class | Description |
| Action | Abstract class used to implemented actions. |
| AreaSeries | Represents an area series in a Y plot area. |
| AreaSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| Axis | Represents the Base class for axes. |
| AxisHitTest | Represents information about the hit test for the axis. |
| AxisInfo | Represents information of a selected axis. |
| BarSeries | Represents a bar series in a Y plot area. |
| BarSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| Bevel | Represents a base class for bevels. |
| BevelCollection | Represents a collection of bevels. |
| BinOption | Represents bin options for the histogram series. |
| BoxWhiskerSeries | Represents a box and whisker area series in a Y plot area. |
| BoxWhiskerSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| BuiltinMarker | Represents a built-in marker. |
| CandlestickSeries | Represents a stock series in a Y plot area. |
| ChartModel | Represents a model of a chart. The model contains a collection of labels, a collection of legends, and a collection of plot areas. |
| CircleBevel | Represents a circular bevel. |
| ClipboardCutCancelEventArgs | Event argument for cut action. Users can cancel this action. |
| ClipboardCutUndoAction | Represents an undo action for cutting an object to clipboard. Object could be a label area, legend area, plot area or series info. |
| ClipboardPasteCancelEventArgs | Event argument for clip board paste action. Users can cancel this action. |
| ClipboardPasteUndoAction | Represents an undo action for pasting an object from clipboard. Object could be a label area, legend area, plot area or series info. |
| ClusteredBarSeries | Represents a clustered group of bar series in a Y plot area. |
| ClusteredBoxWhiskerSeries | Represents a clustered group of bar series in a Y plot area. |
| DeleteCancelEventArgs | Event argument for delete action. Users can cancel this actions. |
| DeleteUndoAction | Represents an undo action for deleting an object. Object could be a label, legend, plot area or seriesInfo |
| DetachmentCollection | Represents a collection of Single values. |
| DirectionalLight | Represents a directional light source. |
| DoubleCollection | Represents a collection of double values. |
| DoubleCollectionCollection | Represents a collection of collections of double values. |
| DoubleCollectionCustomTypeDescriptor | Represents a CustomTypeDescriptor object. |
| DoubleCollectionPropertyDescriptor | Represents a DoubleCollectionPropertyDescriptor object. |
| DoubleCollectionTypeDescriptionProvider | Represents a DoubleCollectionTypeDescriptionProvider object. |
| EnhancedSolidLine | Represents a line that uses a single color. |
| EnhanceStringCollection | Represents a collection of string values. |
| ErrorBars | Represents a error bars. |
| Fill | Represents the fill base. |
| FillCollection | Represents a collection of fills. |
| FpCategoryAttribute | Represents the FarPoint category attribute. |
| FpChart | Represents a view of a chart model using either GDI (2D) or OpenGL (3D) rendering. |
| FunnelSeries | Represents a funnel series in a Y plot area. |
| GenericTypeConverter<T> | A generic type converter which inherited from System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter and can be used for various type of objects in FpChart. |
| GradientFill | Represents a fill that uses a two color linear gradient. |
| GripHitTest | Represent hit test info returned by grip renderer |
| HighLowAreaSeries | Represents a high-low area series in a Y plot area. |
| HighLowBarSeries | Represents a high-low bar series in a Y plot area. |
| HighLowCloseSeries | Represents a high-low-close series in a Y plot area. |
| HistogramBar | The histogram bar |
| HistogramLine | The histogram line |
| HistogramSeries | Represents a histogram series in a Y plot area. |
| HitTest | Represents information about the hit test. |
| ImageFill | Represents a fill that is an image. |
| IndexAxis | Represents an indexed axis. |
| LabelArea | Represents a label area in the chart. |
| LabelAreaCollection | Represents a collection of label areas. |
| LabelAreaHitTest | Represents information about the hit test in the label area. |
| LegendArea | Represents a legend area in the chart. |
| LegendAreaCollection | Represents a collection of legend areas. |
| LegendAreaHitTest | Represents information about the hit test for the legend area. |
| Light | Represents the base class for light sources. |
| LightCollection | Represents a collection of lights. |
| Line | Represents the Base class for lines. |
| LineCollection | Represents a collection of lines. |
| LineSeries | Represents a line series in a Y plot area. |
| LineSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| Marker | Represents the Base class for markers. |
| MarkerCollection | Represents a collection of markers. |
| MoveResizeCancelEventArgs | Event argument for move or resize action.Users can cancel this actions. |
| MoveResizeUndoAction | Represents an undo action for moving or resizing an object. Object could be a label, legend or plot area. |
| NoBevel | Represents a none bevel. |
| NoFill | Represents a fill that is transparent. |
| NoLine | Represents a line that is transparent. |
| NoMarker | Represents a marker that is transparent. |
| ObliqueProjection | Represents an oblique projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane. |
| OpenHighLowCloseSeries | Represents an open-high-low-close series in a Y plot area. |
| OrthogonalProjection | Represents an orthogonal projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane. |
| ParetoSeries | Represents a histogram series in a Y plot area. |
| PerspectiveProjection | Represents a perspective projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane. |
| PiePlotArea | Represents a pie plot area in a chart model. |
| PieSeries | Represents a pie series in a pie plot area. |
| PlotArea | Represents the base class for plot areas. |
| PlotAreaCollection | Represents a collection of plot areas. |
| PlotAreaHitTest | Represents information about the hit test for the plot area. |
| PointSeries | Represents a point series in a Y plot area. |
| PointSeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| PolarAngleAxis | Represents a numeric axis. |
| PolarAreaSeries | Represents an area series in a polar plot area. |
| PolarLineSeries | Represents a line series in a polar plot area. |
| PolarPlotArea | Represents a polar plot area in a chart model. |
| PolarPointSeries | Represents a point series in a polar plot area. |
| PolarRadiusAxis | Represents a numeric axis. |
| PolarRadiusAxisCollection | Represents a collection of axes. |
| PolarSeries | Represents a Base class for series in a polar plot area. |
| PositionalLight | Represents a positional light source. |
| Projection | Represents a projection of a 3D space onto a 2D plane. |
| RadarAreaSeries | Represents an area series in a radar plot area. |
| RadarIndexAxis | Represents an indexed axis. |
| RadarLineSeries | Represents a line series in a radar plot area. |
| RadarPlotArea | Represents a radar plot area in a chart model. |
| RadarPointSeries | Represents a point series in a radar plot area. |
| RadarSeries | Represents the Base class for a series in a radar plot area. |
| RadarValueAxis | Represents a numeric axis. |
| RadarValueAxisCollection | Represents a collection of axes. |
| Series | Represents a Base class for the series. |
| SeriesCollection | Represents a collection of series. |
| SeriesElementHitTest | Represents information about the hit test for the element series. |
| SeriesHitTest | Represents information about the hit test for the series. |
| SeriesInfo | This class represent infomation to identify a series used in selection. |
| SolidFill | Represents a fill that uses a single color. |
| SolidLine | Represents a line that uses a single color. |
| StackedAreaSeries | Represents a stacked group of area series in a Y plot area. |
| StackedBarSeries | Represents a stacked group of bar series in a Y plot area. |
| StackedLineSeries | Represents a stacked group of line series in a Y plot area. |
| StackedPointSeries | Represents a stacked group of point series in a Y plot area. |
| StringCollection | Represents a collection of string values. |
| StringCollectionCollection | Represents a collection of collections of string values. |
| StringCollectionItem | Represent a collection of string values. |
| Stripe | Represents an axis stripe. |
| StripeCollection | Represents a collection of stripes. |
| SunburstPlotArea | Plot area for sunburst chart. |
| SunburstSeries | Represents a Sunburst series in a sunburst plot area. |
| TreemapPlotArea | Represents a Treemap plot area in a chart model. |
| TreemapSeries | Represents a Treemap series in a Treemap plot area. |
| UndoAction | Represents the actions in the component for which the user can perform an undo or redo. |
| UndoRedoCancelEventArgs | Represents the event data for the undo and redo events handled by the undo manager. |
| UndoRedoEventArgs | Represents the event data for the undo and redo events handled by the undo manager. |
| UndoRedoManager | Represents the manager of the undo actions for the FpChart component. |
| ValueAxis | Represents a numeric axis. |
| ValueAxisCollection | Represents a collection of axes. |
| Wall | Represents a chart wall. A wall can be assigned a border, a fill, and a width. |
| WaterfallSeries | Represents a waterfall series in a Y plot area. |
| XYBubbleSeries | Represents a bubble series in a Y plot area. |
| XYLineSeries | Represents a line series in an XY plot area. |
| XYPlotArea | Represents an XY plot area in a chart model. |
| XYPointSeries | Represents a point series in an XY plot area. |
| XYSeries | Represents a Base class for series in an XY plot area. |
| XYZLineSeries | Represents a line series in an XYZ plot area. |
| XYZPlotArea | Represents an XYZ plot area in a chart model. |
| XYZPointSeries | Represents a point series in an XYZ plot area. |
| XYZSeries | Represents the Base class for a series in an XYZ plot area. |
| XYZSurfaceSeries | Represents a surface series in an XYZ plot area. |
| YPlotArea | Represents a Y plot area in a chart model. |
| YSeries | Represents a Base class for a series in a Y plot area. |