The values that can be displayed in a cell as a result of an invalid entry or invalid formula are as follows:
Value | Description |
#DIV/0! | This displays when a formula includes a division by zero or when a formula uses, in the divisor, a cell reference to a blank cell or to a cell that contains zero. |
#N/A | This displays when a value is not available to a function or formula or when an argument in an array formula is not the same size as the range that contains the array formula. |
#NAME? | This displays when text in a formula is not recognized or when the name of a function is misspelled, or when including text without using double quotation marks. This can also happen when you omit a colon (:) in a cell range reference. |
#NULL! | This displays when you specify an intersection of two areas that do not intersect. Possible causes include a mistyped reference operator or a mistyped cell reference. |
#NUM! | This displays when a number in a formula or function can not be calculated, when a formula produces a number that is too large or too small to represent, or when using an unacceptable argument in a function that requires a number.If you are using a function that iterates, such as IRR or RATE, and the function cannot find a result, this value is displayed. |
#REF! | This displays when a cell reference is not valid or when you deleted cells referred to by a formula. |
#VALUE! | This displays when the wrong type of argument or operand is used, such as using text when the formula requires a number or a logical value, or using a range instead of a single value. |
#CALC! | This error is displayed when the calculation engine encounters an unspecified calculation error with an array. |
#SPILL! | This error is displayed when the output of a formula produces multiple results in a spill range which runs into a cell that already contains data values. |
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