Spread ASP.NET 17
FarPoint.Web.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Web.Spread Namespace / DoubleCellType Class / Format Method / Format(Object,String,IFormatProvider) Method
Object in the data model from which to get formatting information
Format string built by the parser
IFormatProvider built by parser

In This Topic
    Format(Object,String,IFormatProvider) Method
    In This Topic
    When deriving a cell type based on this type, override this to change what gets passed back and formatted as a string into the cell on the sheet from the object in the data model.
    Public Overloads Overrides Function Format( _
       ByVal obj As Object, _
       ByVal FormatString As String, _
       ByVal provider As IFormatProvider _
    ) As String
    Dim instance As DoubleCellType
    Dim obj As Object
    Dim FormatString As String
    Dim provider As IFormatProvider
    Dim value As String
    value = instance.Format(obj, FormatString, provider)


    Object in the data model from which to get formatting information
    Format string built by the parser
    IFormatProvider built by parser

    Return Value

    String representation
    Value cannot be converted to a DateTime object.
    See Also