Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
Inheritance Hierarchy
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    com.grapecity.documents.excel Package
    In This Topic
    Represents the base type for async custom function.
    Represents the base class for the other cell type classes.
    Represents a button cell.
    Represents an area in a spreadsheet.
    Token that propagates notification that an operation should be cancelled.

    This class is thread safe.

    A CancellationTokenSource allows you to issue cancellation requests to one or more methods.To use a token source:
    • Create a token source.
    • Attach the token to one or more operations by passing the return value of getToken as parameter.
    • Later, you can cancel the associated operations by calling cancel on this token source.

    This class is thread safe.

    Specifies the interior sort.
    Indicates the cell decoration.
    Indicates the icon of cell decoration.
    Provide some helper functions.
    Gets or sets the cell padding.
    Represents a check box cell.
    Represents a check-box-list cell type.
    Creates the color structure.
    Provides utility methods for colors.
    Represents an comboBox item.
    Represents an editable combo box cell.
    Indicates the corner fold of cell decoration.
    Option class for opening csv file.
    Represents the CSV parse context of the current cell.
    Represents the parsed result(value and number format).
    Option class for saving csv file.
    Option class for customising border when saving to PDF.
    Represents the base type for custom function.
    The options for importing data to a range.
    Contains information of imported range.
    Represents the DataValidation error in the json.
    Represents some settings when deserialize workbook or worksheet from JSON.
    Represents the document properties of pdf.
    Represents an event.
    Wraps all optional parameters of the IRange.Find function.
    Represents the color sort.
    Represents the formula error in the json.
    Represents the hyperlink cell.
    Represents sorting by icon.
    Options for exporting image file.
    Represents the image source.
    Specifies the invalid formula exception.
    The base class for all the json error classes..
    Gets or sets the watermark margin in pixels relative to the cell.
    Throws when unable to set the NumberFormat property of the Range class.
    Base option class for opening.
    Represent a page content info.
    Represent the page information.
    Provides data for the PagePrinted event.
    Provides data for the PagePrinting and PagePrinted events.
    Provides data for the PagePrinting event.
    Represent the settings of the page.
    Represents the parameter of a function.
    Wraps all optional parameters in IRange.Copy(IRange, PasteType).
    Option class for saving PDF file.
    Represents the security setting.
    Pivot filter optional settings, contains some special settings for Value filter, date filter, and top 10 filter.
    Represents a print settings class.
    Specifies EventArgs that contain a IRange object.
    RangeTemplate provide a template from a range of referenced worksheet, it can apply to a cell. It will render the cell same as the template and fill data differently. If the param row, col, rowCount, colCount not set, it will use the sheet's usedrange as the range scope.
    Represents a rectangle class.
    Represents the repeat settings of a range.
    Wraps all optional parameters in IRange.Replace(object, object, ReplaceOptions) to be consistent with the Java edition.
    Base option class for saving.
    Represents an checkBoxList/radioList item.
    Represents some settings when serialize workbook or worksheet to JSON.
    Represents EventArgs which contain a Worksheet object;
    Provides signature details for application developers to implement the "Sign" button on "Signature Details" dialog. Represents data of SignatureInfoV1, SignatureInfoV2 and XAdES part in the signature.
    Represents a Size class.
    Option class for opening SpreadJS .sjs file.
    Option class for saving SpreadJS file.
    Represents the sort base class.
    Specifies cells with a particular type of value to include in the result.
    Describes font and layout options for drawing text.
    Represents the theme manager.
    Represents the sort by value field.
    Represents the result of a web request, including the success status, the response content, any connection failure, and the HTTP status code.
    Represents a workbook.
    Options class for creating the workbook.
    Provides access to the workbook write protection options.
    Option class for opening xlsm file.
    Option class for saving xlsm file.
    Option class for opening xlsx file.
    Option class for saving xlsx file.
    Option class for opening xltx file.
    Option class for saving xltx file.
    Represents an above average visual of a conditional formatting rule. Applies a color or fill to a range or selection to help you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.
    Represents a collection of ranges, each of which represent a single contiguous range of one or more cells.
    Represents an author of threaded comment.
    Contains AutoCorrect attributes.
    Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
    Represents the auto merge range information.
    All types of barcode inherits this interface.
    Represents the border of an object.
    Represents a collection of four IBorder objects that represent thefour borders of an IRange or IStyle object.
    A collection of built-in document properties.
    Represents the context of the calclation.
    A collection of PivotField objects that represents all the calculated fields in the specified PivotTable report.
    A collection of PivotItem objects that represent all the calculated items in the specified PivotTable report.
    Represents a cascade sparkLine.
    Gets an individual cell by its reference string.
    Represents the sort field by cell color.
    Indicates the cell decoration.
    Indicates the icon of cell decoration.
    Gets or sets the cell padding.
    Codabar is a barcode that uses alphanumeric characters including : A B C D + - : . / $ and all numbers.A screenshot depicting Codabar sparkline is shared below.
    The Code 128 barcode is a linear barcode that represents high-density linear symbology to encode text, numbers, various functions and the entire 128 ASCII character set (from ASCII 0 to ASCII 128).
    Code 39 is a linear barcode that uses a total of nine bars to represent each symbol which includes numeric characters, upper case characters and some special characters ("%" , "*", "$", "/", "." , "-", "+").
    Code 49 is a two dimensional, high-density stacked barcode with two to eight rows (having eight characters each). Each row has a start code and a stop code. This barcode is especially used to encodes the complete ASCII character set.
    Code93 barcode is a barcode that uses uppercase characters and numeric characters along with some special characters ("%" , "*", "$", "/", "." , "-", "+").
    Represents a color scale conditional formatting rule.
    Represents a collection of ColorScaleCriterion objects that represent all of the criteria for a color scale conditional format. Each criterion specifies the minimum, midpoint, or maximum threshold for the color scale.
    Represents the criteria for the minimum, midpoint, or maximum thresholds for a color format conditional format.
    Represents the color stop point for a gradient fill in a range or selection.
    Represents a collection of all the IColorStop objects for thespecified series.
    Represents a cell comment.
    Represents a collection of cell comments. Each comment is represented by an IComment object.
    A collection of top-level threaded comment objects in a Worksheet, or a collection of replies in a single threaded comment. Each comment is represented by an ICommentThreaded object.
    Represents a cell's threaded comment. This object can represent both a top-level comment or its replies.
    Represents how the shortest bar or longest bar is evaluated for a data bar conditional formatting rule.
    Indicates the corner fold of cell decoration.
    Represents the customized parser.
    A collection of custom document properties.
    Represents a custom workbook view.
    A collection of custom workbook views.
    Represents a data bar conditional formating rule. Applying a data bar to a range helps you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.
    Represents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
    DataMatrix barcode is a high density, two-dimensional barcode with square modules typically arranged in a square or a rectangular matrix pattern.
    Represents the options related to data import and data analysis.
    Represents the display settings for an associated Range object.

    Remark: Actions such as changing the conditional formatting or table style of a range can cause what is displayed in the current user interface to be inconsistent with the values in the corresponding properties of the Range object. Use the properties of the DisplayFormat object to return the values as they are displayed in the current user interface.

    Represents a custom or built-in document property.
    Represents a collection of document properties.
    EAN-13 barcode is a code that makes use of numeric characters (twelve numbers) and a check digit.
    EAN-8 barcode is a barcode that uses only numeric characters and a check digit. This barcode accepts only seven numbers as a string to calculate a check digit (CheckSum) and add it to the eighth position.
    Represents the option for working with Excel.
    Represents a filter for a single column. The Filter object is a member of the Filters collection. The Filters collection contains all the filters in an autofiltered range.
    Represents a collection of Filter objects that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range.
    Contains the font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object.
    Represents the sort field by font color.
    Font option.
    Provides the font provider.
    Represents the fill color specified for a threshold of a color scale conditional format or the color of the bar in a data bar conditional format.
    Represents a conditional format.
    Represents the conditional formats associated with a range.
    Represents the options related to formula calculation, performance, and error handing.
    Represents the picture field included in the specified header or footer.
    Provides graphics information.
    Represents the information of a group.
    GS1-128 is a barcode that uses a series of application Identifiers in order to encode data. This barcode makes use of the complete ASCII character set while also using FNC1 character as the first character position.
    Represents a picture or text how to be aligned in the page header and footer.
    Represents a horizontal page break.
    Represents the collection of horizontal page breaks within the print area.
    Represents a hyperlink.
    Represents the collection of hyperlinks for a worksheet or range. Each hyperlink is represented by the IHyperlink object.
    Represents a single icon in an icon set used in a conditional formatting rule.
    Represents the collection of IconCriterion objects. Each IconCriterion represents the values and threshold type for each icon in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    Represents the criterion for an individual icon in an icon set. The criterion specifies the range of values and the threshold type associated with the icon in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    Represents a single set of icons that are used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    Represents an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    Represents a collection of icon sets used in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    Represents the sort field by icon.
    Represents the interior of an object.
    Represents a serializer/deserializer for custom type in from/to json.
    Barcode lable option
    Indicates the cell label options.
    Represents the ILinearGradient object that transitions through aseries of colors in a linear manner along a specific angle.
    Represents a defined name for a range of cells.
    Represents a collection of all the IName objects in the workbook.Each Name object represents a defined name for a range of cells. Names can be either built-in names ¡ª such as Database, Print_Area, and Auto_Open ¡ª or custom names.
    Represents the color settings of the data bars for negative values that are defined by a data bar conditional formating rule.
    Represents an outline on a worksheet.
    Represents the outline column for the worksheet.
    Represents the alignment of text on the page of a workbook or section.
    Represents the page setup description.
    Worksheet pane.
    Worksheet panes.
    PDF417 barcode is a popular high-density, two-dimensional barcode with symbology that possesses the capability to encode up to 1108 bytes of information. This barcode comprises a stacked set of small barcodes and can encode up to 35 alphanumeric characters and 2,710 numeric characters.
    Represents the axis for a PivotTable report.
    Represents the memory cache for a PivotTable report.
    Represents the collection of memory caches from the PivotTable reports in a workbook.
    Represents a cell in a PivotTable report.
    Represents a field in a PivotTable report. The PivotField object is a member of the PivotFields collection. The PivotFields collection contains all the fields in a PivotTable report, including hidden fields.
    Represents a collection of all the PivotField objects in a PivotTable report.
    Represents a pivot filter in the PivotFilters collection.
    Represents a collection of all the pivot filters in the pivot field.
    An object representing the order in which custom formulas are calculated in a PivotTable
    Represents the collection of IPivotFormula
    Represents an item in a PivotTable field. The items are the individual data entries in a field category. The PivotItem object is a member of the PivotItems collection. The PivotItems collection contains all the items in a PivotField.
    A collection of all the PivotItem objects in the specified PivotTable. Each PivotItem represents an item in a PivotTable field.
    Represents a collection of all the PivotItem objects in a PivotTable field. The items are the individual data entries in a field category.
    A PivotLine object is a line of rows or columns in an Excel PivotTable.
    Collection of PivotCell objects for a specific PivotLine.
    The PivotLines object is a collection of lines in a PivotTable, containing all lines on rows or columns of the pivot. Each line is a set of PivotCells.
    Represents a PivotTable report on a worksheet. The PivotTable object is a member of the PivotTables collection. The PivotTables collection contains all the PivotTable objects on a single worksheet.
    Represents a collection of all the PivotTable objects on the specified worksheet.
    Provides a way to expose values of cells in the case that actual cells (Range objects) are not available.
    Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. The setting action will take effect only if the worksheet is under protection.
    QRCode is a two dimensional barcode representing symbology that enables effective handling of numeric, alphanumeric and byte data. This barcode can encode up to 7,366 characters.
    Represents the IRange object.
    Provides access to the IRange object of cells in the worksheet.
    Represents read-only detail of the signature.
    The IRectangularGradient object transitions through a series ofcolors in a linear manner along a specific angle
    Represents the rich text class for a cell.
    A scenario is a group of input values (called changing cells) that's named and saved.
    Represents the collection of IScenario objects in the worksheet.
    Represents the shrink to fit settings of this workbook.
    Corresponds to a digital signature that is attached to a document.
    A collection of Signature objects that correspond to the digital signature attached to a document.
    Represents the information used to set up a signature packet.
    Represents a slicer in a IWorkbook.
    Represents the current filter state for a slicer and information about which IPivotCache.
    Represents the collection of slicer caches associated with the specified workbook.
    Represents an item in a slicer.
    Represents the collection of ISlicerItem objects contained in a ISlicerCache object.
    Represents information about the collection of IPivotTablesassociated with the specified ISlicerCache object.
    A collection of ISlicer objects.
    Represents the sort interface.
    Represents the sort field.
    Represents the sort condition list.
    Represents the settings for the horizontal and vertical axes of a group of sparklines.
    Represents the color of the markers for points in a sparkline.
    Represents the settings for the horizontal axes of a group of sparklines.
    Represents a single sparkline.
    Represents a group of sparklines.
    Represents a collection of sparkline groups.
    SparkLine Object.
    Represents the settings of the markers for points of data on a sparkline.
    Represents the settings for the vertical axes of a group of sparklines.
    Represents a style description for a range.
    Represents a collection of all the IStyle objects in the specified oractive workbook.
    Represents a table object on a worksheet.
    Represents a column in a table. The ITableColumn object is a memberof the ITableColumns collection. The ITableColumns collectioncontains all the columns in a table ( ITable object).
    Represents a collection of all the ITableColumn objects in thespecified ITable object. Each ITableColumn object represents a columnin the table.
    Classes that implement this interface can be regarded as data sources
    Represents a row in the ITable object. The ITableRow objectis a member of the ITableRows collection. The ITableRows collectioncontains all the rows in a list object.
    Represents a collection of all the ITableRow objects in the specified ITable object. Each ITableRow object represents a row in the table.
    Represents a collection of all the ITable objects on a worksheet.Each ITable object represents a list in the worksheet.
    Represents a single style that can be applied to a table.
    Represents a collection of table styles contained in the workbook.
    Represents a single table style element.
    Represents table style elements.
    Gets or sets the style information applied to the table.
    Represents a range of characters in a IRichText object.
    Contains the theme information.
    Represents the theme color information.
    Represents the theme color.
    Represents the theme font.
    Contains the theme fonts in different language.
    Specifies the font theme to use.
    Represents a top ten visual of a conditional formatting rule. Applying a color to a range helps you see the value of a cell relative to other cells.
    The UniqueValues object uses the UniqueValues.DupeUnique property to return or set an enumeration that determines whether the rule should look for duplicate or unique values in the range.
    Represents data validation for a worksheet range.
    Represents the sort field by cell value (ascending or descending or custom value list).
    Represents a vertical page break.
    Represents the collection of vertical page breaks within the print area.
    Defines an interface for handling web requests asynchronously. This interface provides a way to send GET requests to a specified URI.
    Represents an IWorkbook object.
    Represents the view settings of this workbook.
    Represents a worksheet.
    Represents a collection of all the sheets in the workbook.
    Represents worksheet view options.
    Specifies if the values are above or below average.
    Specifies the operator to use to associate two criteria applied by a filter.
    Indicates the auto merge direction.
    Indicates the auto merge mode.
    Specifies the auto merge selection mode.
    Specifies how a background image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
    Specifies the type of barcode.
    Specifies the line style for the border.
    Specifies the border to be retrieved.
    Specifies the calculation error.
    Excel calculation mode.
    Specifies direction of the checkbox or radio list.
    Specifies the text alignment for checkbox/radiolist cells.
    Specifies the text alignment for check box cells.
    Specifies the color of a selected feature such as border, font, or fill.
    Specifies the type of color scale rule.
    Specifies the types of condition values that can be used.
    Specifies the subtotal function.
    Specifies the operator used in a function.
    Describe the position of the corner fold in a cell.
    CSS export type.
    Specifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
    Specifies the border of a data bar.
    Specifies the direction of a data bar.
    Specifies how a data bar is filled with color.
    Specifies whether to use the same border and fill color as postive data bars.
    Specifies how to shift cells to replace deleted cells.
    Specifies the direction in which to move.
    Specifies how blank cells are plotted on a chart.
    Specifies whether duplicate or unique values should be displayed.
    Specifies the filter type.
    A value that represents which ecc mode.
    Specifies what is written out to the data model for a selected item from certain cell types that offer a selection of multiple values.
    Represents the error correction level of QRCode.
    Specifies the type of data to search.
    Specifies the font language type.
    Specifies the operator to use to compare a formula against the value in a cell or, for Between and NotBetween, to compare two formulas.
    Specifies whether the conditional format is based on a cell value or an expression.
    Defines possible values of GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Actions.ActionSubmitForm.SubmitFormat property.
    Specifies the value type of parameter or result.
    Specifies the type of gradient fill being used, either linear or path.
    Represents type of color transformation applied to the specified picture or OLE object.
    Specifies the header/footer's position in the sheet.
    Specifies the current drawing is header or footer.
    Specifies the horizontal alignment of a cell or object.
    Specifies the hyperlink's target type.
    Describe the position of the icon based on a cell.
    Specifies the type of icon set.
    Specifies the icon for a criterion in an icon set conditional formatting rule.
    The types of errors that can occur in cell.
    Specifies the description of the Japanese input rules.
    Options for reading data
    Specifies the direction in which to shift cells during an insertion.
    Determines how to handle insufficient space when importing data.
    Specifies the cell label position.
    Specifies the cell label visibility.
    Specifies the way the specified PivotTable items appear¡ªin table format or in outline format.
    Specifies the type of layout row.
    Specifies whether a match is made against the whole of the search text or any part of the search text.
    Specifies the display mode when date or number data width is longer than the column width.
    Represents the format in which the workbook is opened.
    Represents the order uses to number pages when printing a large worksheet.
    Specifies whether a page break is full screen or applies only within the print area.
    Represents the portrait or landscape printing mode.
    Represents the type of the page.
    Represents the size of the paper.
    Specifies the type of paste.
    Specifies the interior pattern of a chart or interior object.
    Specifies the PivotTable entity the cell corresponds to.
    Specifies the subtotal function.
    Specifies the location of the field in a PivotTable report.
    Specifies whether to repeat all field item labels in a PivotTable report.
    The type of pivot filter
    Specifies the type of the PivotLine.
    Represents an PrintErrors contstant specifying the type of print error displayed.
    Represents the way comments are printed with the sheet.
    Represents print quality of this page. Default is Dpi600.
    Specifies data type of a document property.
    Specified the text reading order.
    Specifies whether to use A1 style or R1C1 style for cell references.
    Represents the format in which the workbook is saved.
    Specifies the search direction when searching a range.
    Specifies the order in which to search the range.
    Specifies the selection mode of Button List CellType.
    Represents the sheet type.
    Specifies the slicer sort order.
    Specifies how to sort text.
    Specifies the parameter on which the data should be sorted.
    Specifies the sort order.
    Specifies the sort orientation.
    Specifies how to plot the sparkline when the data on which it is based is in a square-shaped range.
    Specifies how the minimum or maximum value of the vertical axis of the sparkline is scaled relative to other sparklines in the group.
    Specifies the type of sparkline.
    Specifies the type of cells.
    Specifies the position of the tab strip relative to the workbook.
    Specifies where the subtotal will be displayed on the worksheet.
    Specifies the type of subtotal for the specified pivot field.
    Specifies the location of the summary columns in the outline.
    Specifies the location of the summary rows in the outline.
    Specifies the table style element used.
    Specifies the theme color. This is the displayed order.
    Specifies the theme font to use.
    Specifies the time period.
    Specifies the top 10 values from the top or bottom of a series of values.
    Specifies the type of calculation in the totals row of a table column.
    Specifies the underline style of text.
    Specifies the type of all supported features.
    Specifies the icon used in message boxes displayed during validation.
    Specifies the operator to use to compare a formula against the value in a cell or, for Between and NotBetween, to compare two formulas.
    Specifies the type of validation test to be performed in conjunction with values.
    Gets or sets how to quote values in the exported text file.
    Specifies the vertical alignment of text.
    Represents the view type of the worksheet.
    Specifies whether the object is visible.
    See Also