com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing Package / TextUnderlineType Enumeration
TextUnderlineType Enumeration
Indicates the type of underline for text.
DashSpecifies a dash line underline.
DashHeavySpecifies a dash underline.
DashLongSpecifies a dashed long line underline.
DashLongHeavySpecifies a long heavy line underline.
DotDashSpecifies a dot dash line underline.
DotDashHeavySpecifies a dot dash heavy line underline.
DotDotDashSpecifies a dot dot dash line underline.
DotDotDashHeavySpecifies a dot dot dash heavy line underline.
DottedSpecifies a dotted line underline.
DottedHeavySpecifies a dotted heavy line underline.
DoubleSpecifies a double line underline.
HeavySpecifies a heavy line underline.
NoneSpecifies no underline.
SingleSpecifies a single line underline.
WavySpecifies a wavy line underline.
WavyDoubleSpecifies a wavy double line underline.
WavyHeavySpecifies a wavy heavy line underline.
WordsSpecifies underlining words.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also