Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition | Document Solutions
com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing Package / AutoShapeType Enumeration
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    AutoShapeType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
    ActionButtonBackorPreviousSpecifies the Back or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonBeginningSpecifies the Beginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonCustomSpecifies a button with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonDocumentSpecifies the Document button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonEndSpecifies the End button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonForwardorNextSpecifies the Forward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonHelpSpecifies the Help button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonHomeSpecifies the Home button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonInformationSpecifies the Information button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonMovieSpecifies the Movie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonReturnSpecifies the Return button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ActionButtonSoundSpecifies the Sound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
    ArcSpecifies an arc.
    BalloonSpecifies a balloon.
    BentArrowSpecifies a block arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle.
    BentUpArrowSpecifies a block arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default.
    BevelSpecifies a bevel.
    BlockArcSpecifies a block arc.
    CanSpecifies a can.
    ChartPlusSpecifies a square divided vertically and horizontally into four quarters.
    ChartStarSpecifies a square divided six parts along vertical and diagonal lines.
    ChartXSpecifies a square divided into four parts along diagonal lines.
    ChevronSpecifies a chevron.
    ChordSpecifies a circle with a line connecting two points on the perimeter through the interior of the circle; a circle with a chord.
    CircularArrowSpecifies a block arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle.
    CloudSpecifies a cloud shape.
    CloudCalloutSpecifies a cloud callout.
    CornerSpecifies a rectangle with a rectangular-shaped hole.
    CornerTabsSpecifies four right triangles aligning along a rectangular path with four 'snipped' corners.
    CrossSpecifies a cross.
    CubeSpecifies a cube.
    CurvedDownArrowSpecifies a block arrow that curves down.
    CurvedDownRibbonSpecifies a ribbon banner that curves down.
    CurvedLeftArrowSpecifies a block arrow that curves left.
    CurvedRightArrowSpecifies a block arrow that curves right
    CurvedUpArrowSpecifies a block arrow that curves up.
    CurvedUpRibbonSpecifies a ribbon banner that curves up.
    DecagonSpecifies a decagon.
    DiagonalStripeSpecifies a rectangle with two triangle-shapes removed; a diagonal stripe.
    DiamondSpecifies a diamond.
    DodecagonSpecifies a dodecagon.
    DonutSpecifies a donut.
    DoubleBraceSpecifies a double brace.
    DoubleBracketSpecifies a double bracket.
    DoubleWaveSpecifies a double wave shape.
    DownArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points down.
    DownArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with an arrow that points down.
    DownRibbonSpecifies a ribbon banner with a center area below the ribbon ends.
    Explosion1Specifies an explosion : 8 pt.
    Explosion2Specifies an explosion : 14 pt.
    FlowchartAlternateProcessSpecifies an alternate process flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartCardSpecifies a card flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartCollateSpecifies a collate flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartConnectorSpecifies a connector flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDataSpecifies a data flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDecisionSpecifies a decision flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDelaySpecifies a delay flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDirectAccessStorageSpecifies a direct access storage flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDisplaySpecifies a display flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartDocumentSpecifies a document flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartExtractSpecifies an extract flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartInternalStorageSpecifies an internal storage flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartMagneticDiskSpecifies a magnetic disk flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartManualInputSpecifies a manual input flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartManualOperationSpecifies a manual operation flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartMergeSpecifies a merge flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartMultidocumentSpecifies a multi-document flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartOfflineStorageSpecifies an offline storage flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartOffpageConnectorSpecifies an off-page connector flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartOrSpecifies the "Or" flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartPredefinedProcessSpecifies a predefined process flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartPreparationSpecifies a preparation flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartProcessSpecifies a process flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartPunchedTapeSpecifies a punched tape flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartSequentialAccessStorageSpecifies a sequential access storage flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartSortSpecifies a sort flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartStoredDataSpecifies a stored data flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartSummingJunctionSpecifies a summing junction flowchart symbol.
    FlowchartTerminatorSpecifies a terminator flowchart symbol.
    FoldedCornerSpecifies a folded corner.
    FrameSpecifies a rectangular picture frame.
    FunnelSpecifies a funnel.
    Gear6Specifies a gear with six teeth.
    Gear9Specifies a gear with nine teeth
    HalfFrameSpecifies half of a rectangular picture frame.
    HeartSpecifies a heart.
    HeptagonSpecifies a heptagon.
    HexagonSpecifies a hexagon.
    HorizontalScrollSpecifies a horizontal scroll shape.
    IsoscelesTriangleSpecifies an isosceles triangle.
    LeftArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points left.
    LeftArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with an arrow that points left.
    LeftBraceSpecifies the left brace.
    LeftBracketSpecifies the left bracket.
    LeftCircularArrowSpecifies a circular arrow pointing counter-clockwise.
    LeftRightArrowSpecifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right.
    LeftRightArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with arrowheads that point both left and right.
    LeftRightCircularArrowSpecifies a circular arrow pointing clockwise and counter-clockwise; a curved arrow with points at both ends.
    LeftRightRibbonSpecifies a ribbon with an arrow at both ends.
    LeftRightUpArrowSpecifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up.
    LeftUpArrowSpecifies a block arrow with arrowheads that point left and up.
    LightningBoltSpecifies a lightning bolt.
    LineCallout1Specifies a callout with border and horizontal callout lines.
    LineCallout1AccentBarSpecifies a callout with a horizontal accent bar.
    LineCallout1BorderandAccentBarSpecifies a callout with a border and horizontal accent bar.
    LineCallout1NoBorderSpecifies a callout with a horizontal line.
    LineCallout2Specifies a callout with a diagonal straight line.
    LineCallout2AccentBarSpecifies a callout with a diagonal callout line and accent bar.
    LineCallout2BorderandAccentBarSpecifies a callout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar.
    LineCallout2NoBorderSpecifies a callout with no border and a diagonal callout line.
    LineCallout3Specifies a callout with an angled line.
    LineCallout3AccentBarSpecifies a callout with an angled callout line and accent bar.
    LineCallout3BorderandAccentBarSpecifies a callout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar.
    LineCallout3NoBorderSpecifies a callout with no border and an angled callout line.
    LineCallout4Specifies a callout with callout line segments forming a U-shape.
    LineCallout4AccentBarSpecifies a callout with an accent bar and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
    LineCallout4BorderandAccentBarSpecifies a callout with border, accent bar, and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
    LineCallout4NoBorderSpecifies a callout with no border and callout line segments forming a U-shape.
    LineInverseSpecifies an inverse line.
    MathDivideSpecifies the division symbol '¡Â'.
    MathEqualSpecifies the equivalence symbol '='.
    MathMinusSpecifies the subtraction symbol '-'.
    MathMultiplySpecifies the multiplication symbol 'x'.
    MathNotEqualSpecifies the non-equivalence symbol '¡Ù'.
    MathPlusSpecifies the addition symbol '+'.
    MixedSpecifies msoShapeTypeMixed, such as signature lines.
    MoonSpecifies a moon.
    NoneSpecifies a combination of the other states, return value only.
    NonIsoscelesTrapezoidSpecifies a trapezoid with asymmetrical non-parallel sides.
    NoSymbolSpecifies the "No" symbol.
    NotchedRightArrowSpecifies a notched block arrow that points right
    OctagonSpecifies an octagon.
    OvalSpecifies an oval.
    OvalCalloutSpecifies an oval-shaped callout.
    ParallelogramSpecifies a parallelogram.
    PentagonSpecifies a pentagon.
    PieSpecifies a circle with a portion missing.
    PieWedgeSpecifies a quarter of a circular shape.
    PlaqueSpecifies a plaque.
    PlaqueTabsSpecifies four quarter-circles defining a rectangular shape.
    QuadArrowSpecifies block arrows that point up, down, left, and right.
    QuadArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right.
    RectangleSpecifies a rectangle.
    RectangularCalloutSpecifies a rectangular callout.
    RegularPentagonSpecifies a pentagon.
    RightArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points right.
    RightArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with an arrow that points right.
    RightBraceSpecifies the right brace.
    RightBracketSpecifies the right bracket.
    RightTriangleSpecifies a right triangle.
    Round1RectangleSpecifies a rectangle with one rounded corner.
    Round2DiagRectangleSpecifies a rectangle with two rounded corners, diagonally-opposed.
    Round2SameRectangleSpecifies a rectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side.
    RoundedRectangleSpecifies a rounded rectangle.
    RoundedRectangularCalloutSpecifies a rounded rectangle-shaped callout.
    Shape16pointStarSpecifies a 16-point star.
    Shape24pointStarSpecifies a 24-point star.
    Shape32pointStarSpecifies a 32-point star.
    Shape4pointStarSpecifies a 4-point star.
    Shape5pointStarSpecifies a 5-point star.
    Shape8pointStarSpecifies an 8-point star.
    SmileyFaceSpecifies a smiley face.
    Snip1RectangleSpecifies a rectangle with one snipped corner.
    Snip2DiagRectangleSpecifies a rectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed.
    Snip2SameRectangleSpecifies a rectangle with two snipped corners that share a side.
    SnipRoundRectangleSpecifies a rectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner.
    SquareTabsSpecifies four small squares that define a rectangular shape.
    Star10PointSpecifies a 10-point star.
    Star12PointSpecifies a 12-point star.
    Star6PointSpecifies a 6-point star.
    Star7PointSpecifies a 7-point star.
    StripedRightArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points right with stripes at the tail.
    SunSpecifies a sun.
    SwooshArrowSpecifies a curved arrow.
    TearSpecifies a water droplet.
    TrapezoidSpecifies a trapezoid.
    UpArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points up.
    UpArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with an arrow that points up.
    UpDownArrowSpecifies a block arrow that points up and down.
    UpDownArrowCalloutSpecifies a callout with arrows that point up and down.
    UpRibbonSpecifies a ribbon banner with a center area above the ribbon ends.
    UTurnArrowSpecifies a block arrow forming a U shape.
    VerticalScrollSpecifies a vertical scroll shape.
    WaveSpecifies a wave shape.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also