Release Notes for Version
In This Topic
New features
The following features have been added with this version of the product.
- Added Clone() method to Image and WicImage classes.
- Added an overload to TextLayout.AppendLine() method that accepts TextFormat as an argument.
- Now FontHandler.EmbedMode property can be changed "on the fly" even if linked GrapeCity.Documents.Text.Font object already was used to render text in GcPdfDocument.
- Added a GcPdfDocument.Sign() overload that accepts a file name (was only stream).
- Added new methods to the Image class: ToJpegStream(), ToPngStream(), ConvertToGrayscale().
- Supported drawing text and graphics to images (for Windows platform only) with the GrapeCity.Documents.Common.Windows package. The following image formats are supported: Bmp, Gif (single frame only), Jpeg, JpegXR, Png, Tiff (multipage Tiff files can be created using the TiffWriter class).
- Now SignatureProperties.SignatureField can be null, in this case invisible SignatureField with name "SignatureHolder" will be created automatically. Properties Field.Page, FieldCollection.Page are removed, these properties were not working anyway so this change should not break anything.
- The paragraph separator character (\u2029) now works as "Keep With Next" options in MS Word, it prevents the next paragraph from moving to the next page.
Changes from the Previous Release
This version of the product has the following changes.
- Removed dependence on the ImageSharp NuGet package.
- Behavior change: By default, standard fonts (font instances obtained from the StanardFonts class) are NOT embedded. To embed a standard font, its FontHandler.EmbedMode must be explicitly set.
Resolved Issues
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
- Leading spaces are not trimmed in paragraphs anymore.
- The line separator character (\u2028) does not cause a paragraph break.
- Fixed issues with search RTL text. (DOC-616)
- Throws an exception when incorrect value is passed to Image.ToJpegStream method. (DOC-607)
- Unsupported Platform/Encoding caused an exception when parsing font's 'name' table.
- Throws an exception when incorrect value is passed to Image.ToJpegStream method. (DOC-607)
- Licensing: when an invalid key is used, it throws "invalid license key" exception (DOC-620, DOC-621).
- Mark-to-mark positioning applied incorrectly in TextLayout.
- PDF Forms: Unchecked radio buttons are not shown (initially or at all depending on the viewer) (visible in FormFields sample).
- Fixed crash ('Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.' when trying to create a licensed instance of GcPdfDocument, occurred only on Mac).
- Barcodes: GcBarcode.TextFormat does not work with fonts assigned via the FontName property. Also, leaving the TextFormat property empty causes an exception.
- GcCommon: SystemFontCollection can be broken after searching font by the font family name from multiple threads at the same time.