Document Solutions for PDF
In This Topic
    In This Topic


    Breaking Changes

    Bug Fixes

    The following issues have been resolved since the last release.

    New Features and Improvements

    The following features have been added with this version of the product.


    Breaking Changes

    This version of the product has the following changes.

    Resolved Issues

    The following issues have been resolved since the last release.

    New Features and Improvements

    The following features have been added with this version of the product.


    The following packages now include japanese localized assemblies.

    1. ja/GrapeCity.Documents.Word.resources.dll
    2. ja/GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.resources.dll
    3. ja/GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.resources.dll
    4. ja/GrapeCity.Documents.Common.resources.dll
    5. ja/GrapeCity.Documents.Common.Windows.resources.dll