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    View PDF with Field Formats
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    Some PDF-based fillable forms have formatted fields, such as percent, number, date, etc., which simplifies the readability of the form to fill it correctly. DsPdfViewer supports the viewing of such PDF documents with formatted form fields. The following table lists the field formats supported by DsPdfViewer:

    Format Description Example
    Percent Displays a numeric value as a percentage. The numeric value "1" in the field dislpays as "100%" after applying the format function.
    Number Displays a numeric value according to specified parameters. The numeric value "0.123" in the field displays as "0.123 €" after applying the format function.
    Time Displays a time value according to the specified style. The time value "23:21" in the field displays as "11:21 PM" after applying the format function.
    Date Displays a date value according to the specified style. The date value "2024/May/27" in the field displays as "May 21, 2024" after applying the format function.
    Special Displays a value according to the specified fixed format style. The value "1234567890" in the field displays as "(123) 456-7890" after applying the format function.


    • You can also create a PDF with formatted fields using DsPdf and the field format functions such as AFPercent_FormatAFNumber_FormatAFDate_FormatEx, AFTime_FormatEx, and AFSpecial_Format. For more information, refer to Set Field Formats using Format Functions.
    • Since DsPdf does not parse ActionJavaScript, the field formatting will not take effect initially, but it will take effect when you modify the field. To overcome this, DsPdf provides various methods in TextFieldCombTextField, and ComboBoxField classes to set the field format. For more information, refer to Set Field Format.


    The field formatted with AFNumber_Format function has the following limitation: