Document Solutions for PDF
GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Writer Namespace / PdfStreamWriterBase Class / AddDictEntry Method

In This Topic
    AddDictEntry Method (PdfStreamWriterBase)
    In This Topic
    Adds a dictionary entry with PDF bool value.
    Overload List
    Adds a dictionary entry with PDF bool value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with integer value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with integer value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with float value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with double value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable float value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable float value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable integer value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with integer value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable bool value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with bool value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with GrapeCity.Documents.Common.Offsets value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable GrapeCity.Documents.Common.Offsets value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable System.Drawing.RectangleF value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable System.Drawing.RectangleF value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with System.Drawing.RectangleF value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with System.Drawing.Color value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.PdfDateTime value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.PdfDateTime value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with float array value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with integer array value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with line style value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with PDF name value, the PDF name obtained as value.ToString().  
    Adds a dictionary entry with GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.PdfEnum<TEnum> value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with nullable GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.PdfEnum<TEnum> value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with array of points. convertMethod is called for each item in value.  
    Adds a dictionary entry with value representing GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Spec.IPdfObject, see Write(IPdfObject).  
    See Also