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GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Spec Namespace / PdfNumber Class / ToString Method / ToString(Double,Int32) Method
The value to convert.
The count of digits after decimal point.

In This Topic
    ToString(Double,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    Converts a double value to a string. Note that a separate method ToString(Single,Int32) exists for converting float values, separate methods are needed to avoid rounding errors that may occur when converting doubles to floats and vice versa. The value to convert. The count of digits after decimal point.
    Public Overloads Shared Function ToString( _
       ByVal value As System.Double, _
       ByVal decimalPlaces As System.Integer _
    ) As System.String
    public static System.string ToString( 
       System.double value, decimalPlaces


    The value to convert.
    The count of digits after decimal point.
    See Also