Document Solutions for PDF
GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Namespace / GcPdfDocument Class / SaveAsTiff Method / SaveAsTiff(String,OutputRange,SaveAsImageOptions,TiffFrameSettings) Method
The output file path.
The range of pages that should be saved.
Options that allow customizing the output images.
Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frames.

In This Topic
    SaveAsTiff(String,OutputRange,SaveAsImageOptions,TiffFrameSettings) Method
    In This Topic
    Saves the document pages as images to a file in TIFF format, one page per frame.
    Public Overloads Sub SaveAsTiff( _
       ByVal filePath As System.String, _
       Optional ByVal pageRange As OutputRange, _
       Optional ByVal options As SaveAsImageOptions, _
       Optional ByVal frameSettings As TiffFrameSettings _
    public void SaveAsTiff( 
       System.string filePath,
       OutputRange pageRange,
       SaveAsImageOptions options,
       TiffFrameSettings frameSettings


    The output file path.
    The range of pages that should be saved.
    Options that allow customizing the output images.
    Frame settings that are used for encoding the TIFF frames.
    See Also