Document Solutions for PDF
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Text Namespace / FontWriter Class / CffGlyphsToStream Method
The destination Stream object.
The Font object with PostScript outlines stored in the CFF format.
Glyph indices to be added to the resulting table subset.

In This Topic
    CffGlyphsToStream Method
    In This Topic
    Writes a subset of the CFF font table containing the specified glyphs to a stream.
    Public Function CffGlyphsToStream( _
       ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream, _
       ByVal font As Font, _
       ByVal glyphIDs As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UShort) _
    ) As System.Integer
    public CffGlyphsToStream( 
       System.IO.Stream stream,
       Font font,
       System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<ushort> glyphIDs


    The destination Stream object.
    The Font object with PostScript outlines stored in the CFF format.
    Glyph indices to be added to the resulting table subset.

    Return Value

    The number of bytes saved to the stream.
    See Also