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GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Namespace / GaussianBlurEffect Class / Get Method / Get(Color,Int32,GaussianBlurBorderMode) Method
The color used to blend with the edge pixels of the image.
The radius of the blur, in pixels.
The mapping mode for the pixels outside of the border.

In This Topic
    Get(Color,Int32,GaussianBlurBorderMode) Method
    In This Topic
    Returns an instance of the GaussianBlurEffect class.
    Public Overloads Shared Function Get( _
       ByVal borderColor As System.Drawing.Color, _
       Optional ByVal radius As System.Integer, _
       Optional ByVal borderMode As GaussianBlurBorderMode _
    ) As GaussianBlurEffect
    public static GaussianBlurEffect Get( 
       System.Drawing.Color borderColor, radius,
       GaussianBlurBorderMode borderMode


    The color used to blend with the edge pixels of the image.
    The radius of the blur, in pixels.
    The mapping mode for the pixels outside of the border.
    See Also