Document Solutions for PDF
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing Namespace / GcGraphics Class / DrawSvgContent Method

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    DrawSvgContent Method
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    Draws the content of a specified SVG document at a point specifying the top-left corner of the SVG content.

    To specify the position of the SVG viewport rather than content, see DrawSvg(GcSvgDocument,PointF,Single).

    Overload List
    Draws the content of a specified SVG document at a point specifying the top-left corner of the SVG content.

    To specify the position of the SVG viewport rather than content, see DrawSvg(GcSvgDocument,PointF,Single).

    Draws the content of a specified SVG document, resizing the content to fit into a specified rectangle.

    To draw the SVG resizing its viewport rather than just the content, see DrawSvg(GcSvgDocument,RectangleF,Single).

    See Also