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DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Namespace / GcBitmap Class / AddShadow Method
The horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixels.
The vertical offset of the shadow, in pixels.
The optional background color of the resulting image.
The shadow color.
The shadow opacity, from 0 to 1.
The shadow blur radius, in pixels.

In This Topic
    AddShadow Method
    In This Topic
    Creates a new bitmap by adding a shadow to text and graphics on the current image. The shadow shows only where the pixels of the current image are transparent or semi-transparent.
    Public Function AddShadow( _
       ByVal xOffset As System.Integer, _
       ByVal yOffset As System.Integer, _
       ByVal backColor As System.Nullable(Of Color), _
       ByVal shadowColor As System.Drawing.Color, _
       Optional ByVal shadowOpacity As System.Single, _
       Optional ByVal gaussianBlurRadius As System.Integer _
    ) As GcBitmap
    public GcBitmap AddShadow( xOffset, yOffset,
       System.Nullable<Color> backColor,
       System.Drawing.Color shadowColor,
       System.float shadowOpacity, gaussianBlurRadius


    The horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixels.
    The vertical offset of the shadow, in pixels.
    The optional background color of the resulting image.
    The shadow color.
    The shadow opacity, from 0 to 1.
    The shadow blur radius, in pixels.

    Return Value

    A GcBitmap with the added shadow.
    See Also