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DS.Documents.DX.Windows Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Direct2D Namespace / Geometry Class / Simplify Method / Simplify(GeometrySimplificationOption,IGeometrySink) Method
A value that specifies whether the simplified geometry should contain curves.
The ISimplifiedGeometrySink to which the simplified geometry is appended.

In This Topic
    Simplify(GeometrySimplificationOption,IGeometrySink) Method
    In This Topic
    Creates a simplified version of the geometry that contains only lines and (optionally) cubic Bezier curves and writes the result to an ISimplifiedGeometrySink.
    Public Overloads Sub Simplify( _
       ByVal simplificationOption As GeometrySimplificationOption, _
       ByVal geometrySink As IGeometrySink _


    A value that specifies whether the simplified geometry should contain curves.
    The ISimplifiedGeometrySink to which the simplified geometry is appended.

    Return Value

    If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
    See Also