Added new properties such as TextExtensionStrategy, LineBreakingRules, and WordBoundaryRules in TextLayout class that specify the rules for text extension, line breaking algorithms, and word breaking algorithms respectively.
Added the ability to generate text elements in place of paths elements while rendering text by setting GcGraphicsDrawTextAsPath property to false.
Added Gaussian blur effect that applies Gaussian blur to the images.
Added PermissionToEmbedGranted property to the Font class to indicate explicit permission from the legal owner of the font to embed it in documents produced by the software.
Updated SvgCommentElement class with XML comment in the SVG file.
Added support for new class GcHTMLBrowser for converting HTML markup to images (PNG, JPEG, WEBP).
Added other supporting classes such as BrowserFetcher, HtmlPage, LaunchOptions, PageOptions, TimeoutOptions.
Added ImageOptions and its other derived classes PngOptions, JpegOptions, and WebpOptions which provide output settings for rendering HTML to images.
Added another class, GcBitmapGraphicsExt to provide extension methods for rendering HTML to GcBitmapGraphics.
Marked GcHtmlRenderer and some other classes and methods in GrapeCity.Documents.Html namespace as obsolete.
Replace custom-built Chromium with Chrome or Edge which is installed in OS, or you can now download chromium from a public website as well.