Document Solutions for Imaging
DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Namespace / GcBitmap Class / GenerateOctreePalette Method
The maximum number of opaque colors in the palette, from 8 and above.
Indicates if the pixels with value of alpha less than 128 shouldn't be taken into account.

In This Topic
    GenerateOctreePalette Method
    In This Topic
    Generates a palette for the image using the Octree quantizer algorithm.

    The Alpha color channel is ignored.

    Public Function GenerateOctreePalette( _
       ByVal maxColors As System.Integer, _
       Optional ByVal skipTransparentPixels As System.Boolean _
    ) As System.UInteger()
    public System.uint[] GenerateOctreePalette( maxColors,
       System.bool skipTransparentPixels


    The maximum number of opaque colors in the palette, from 8 and above.
    Indicates if the pixels with value of alpha less than 128 shouldn't be taken into account.

    Return Value

    The resulting array with palette colors.
    See Also