Document Solutions for Imaging
DS.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Namespace / GcBitmap Class / ApplySoftEdges Method
The optional background color of the resulting image.
The negative radius of inflation, in pixels.
The Gaussian blur radius, in pixels.

In This Topic
    ApplySoftEdges Method
    In This Topic
    Applies a soft edges effect to the current image.

    The soft edges effect deflates all non-transparent areas of an image by a specified amount, then applies a Gaussian blur to make the border smooth.

    Public Sub ApplySoftEdges( _
       ByVal backColor As System.Nullable(Of Color), _
       Optional ByVal inflationRadius As System.Integer, _
       Optional ByVal gaussianBlurRadius As System.Integer _
    public void ApplySoftEdges( 
       System.Nullable<Color> backColor, inflationRadius, gaussianBlurRadius


    The optional background color of the resulting image.
    The negative radius of inflation, in pixels.
    The Gaussian blur radius, in pixels.
    See Also