| Name | Description |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | AddIndent |
Gets or sets the property which controls indentation of text when horizontal or vertical alignment is set to distributed.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Address | Gets a System.String value that represents the range reference in the absolute A1 format. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Areas | Returns an instance of IAreas which represents an array of IRanges where each IRange returned by IAreas represents one cell or range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | BindingPath |
Gets or sets the binding path of the current cell or column.
If range is normal range, gets or sets the binding path of the top-left cell of range.
If range is EntireColumn, gets or sets the binding path of the left column binding path of range.
If range is EntireRow, gets or sets null.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Borders | Returns an instance of IBorders which represents the cell borders of the cell or range represented by this IRange. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | CellPadding |
Gets or sets the cell padding for range.
SpreadJS only.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Cells | Returns the IRange object that represents the cells in the specified range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | CellType |
Gets or sets the cell type for specified range in the sheet.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Column |
Returns the zero based column number of the first column of this IRange.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ColumnCount |
Returns the column count of the first range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Columns | Returns the IRange object that represents the columns in the specified range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ColumnWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the individual columns represented in this range in characters.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ColumnWidthInPixel |
Gets or sets the width of the individual columns represented in this range in pixels.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Comment |
Returns an instance of IComment which may be used to get and set Comment properties of the cells.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | CommentThreaded |
Returns an instance of ICommentThreaded which may be used to get and set ICommentThreaded properties of the cells.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Count |
Returns the number of objects in the collection.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | CurrentArray | Gets whether the specified cell is part of an array, returns an IRange object that represents the entire array. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | DisplayFormat |
Gets a DisplayFormat object that represents the display settings for the specified range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | EntireColumn | Returns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells, but expanded to include all rows. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | EntireMergeArea | Returns an IRange representing the area of the current IRange which is iteratively grown as needed until it includes no partial merged cells. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | EntireRow | Returns a new instance of IRange which represents the same range of cells, but expanded to include all columns. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Font | Returns an instance of IFont which may be used to get and set font properties of the cells represented by this IRange. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormatConditions |
Returns a FormatConditions collection that represents all the conditional formats for the specified range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Formula | Gets or sets the formula of the cells represented by this IRange in A1-style notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Formula2 | Gets or sets the formula of the cells represented by this IRange in A1-style array notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Formula2Local | Gets or sets the localized formula of the cells represented by this IRange in A1-style array notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Formula2R1C1 | Gets or sets the formula of the cells represented by this IRange in R1C1-style array notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Formula2R1C1Local | Gets or sets the localized formula in array notation of the cells represented by this IRange in R1C1-style array notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaArray |
Gets or sets the array formula of a range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaArrayR1C1 |
Gets or sets the array formula of a range, using ReferenceStyle.R1C1.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaHidden |
Gets or sets whether the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaLocal | Gets or sets the localized formula of the cells represented by this IRange in A1-style notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaR1C1 | Gets or sets the formula of the cells represented by this IRange in R1C1-style notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | FormulaR1C1Local | Gets or sets the localized formula of the cells represented by this IRange in R1C1-style notation. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | HasArray |
Determines if the specified cell is part of an array formula.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | HasFormula |
Returns true if the cell or range contains any formulas; otherwise, false is returned.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | HasValidation |
Returns true if any of the cells represented by this range have data validation associated with them.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Height |
Gets the height, in points, of the range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | HeightInPixel |
Gets the height, in pixels, of the range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Hidden |
Gets or sets the property which specifies whether rows or columns should be hidden.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the HorizontalAlignment of a cell or range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Hyperlinks |
Returns an instance of IHyperLinks which may be used to get and set HyperLinks properties.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | IndentLevel |
Gets or sets the indent level of the specified cell(s).
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Interior | Returns the IInterior which represents the interior (background) color and pattern of the specified cell(s). |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | IsRichText |
Indicates whether the cell string value is a rich text.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Item | Overloaded. Returns a new instance of IRange which is offset from this IRange. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | LabelOptions |
Gets or sets the setting for watermark.
SpreadJS only.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | LastColumn |
Returns the zero based column number of the last column of the first range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | LastRow |
Returns the zero based row number of the last row of the first range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Locked |
Gets or sets the property which specifies whether cells should be locked.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | MergeArea | Returns an IRange representing the merged range containing the specified cell. If the specified cell isn't in a merged range, this property returns the specified cell. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | MergeCells |
Gets or sets the property which specifies whether cells are merged.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | NumberFormat |
Gets or sets the number format of the cells in the range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Orientation |
Gets or sets the text orientation of a cell or range, which may be from -90 to 90 degrees, or 255(vertical text).
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | OutlineLevel |
Gets or sets the current outline level of the specified row or column.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ReadingOrder |
Gets or sets the reading order for the specified object.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | RichText | Gets the rich text object associate with the top-left cell of this range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Row |
Returns the zero based row number of the first row.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | RowCount |
Returns the row count of the first range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | RowHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the individual rows represented by this range in points.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | RowHeightInPixel |
Gets or sets the height of the individual rows represented by this range in pixels.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Rows | Returns the IRange object that represents the rows in the specified range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ShowDetail |
Gets or sets whether to show the detail (Returns True if the outline is expanded for the specified range, so that the detail of the column or row is visible).
The specified range must be a single summary column or row in an outline (read or write).
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ShrinkToFit |
Gets or sets the property which specifies whether cells will be drawn in a smaller font if needed to display the contents of the cell.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | SparklineGroups |
Returns an instance of ISparklineGroups which may be used to get and set SparklineGroups properties of the cells
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Style | Gets or sets the named style IStyle associated with the cells represented by this IRange. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Summary |
Determines if the range is an outlining summary row or column.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Tag |
Gets or sets the tag value for specified range in the sheet.
SpreadJS only.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Text | Gets the value of the cell represented by this IRange as a formatted string. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | UsedRange | Returns an IRange representing the used range in the current range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | UseStandardHeight | Determines if the row height of the IRange object equals the standard height of the sheet. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | UseStandardWidth | Determines if the column width of the IRange object equals the standard width of the sheet. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Validation |
Returns an instance of IValidation which may be used to get and set validation properties of the cells represented by this IRange.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | ValidationIsSame | Returns true if the validation options of all cells represented by this IRange are the same; otherwise, false is returned. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Value | Gets the value of the specified range as a System.String, System.Double, System.Boolean, object[,] (Object(,) in Visual Basic) or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Nothing in Visual Basic); or sets the value of the specified cell as a System.String, System.Double, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.Boolean, System.DateTime, System.TimeSpan, object[,] (Object(,) in Visual Basic) or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Nothing in Visual Basic). |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the VerticalAlignment of a cell or range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Watermark |
Gets or sets the watermark for range.
SpreadJS only.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Width |
Gets the width, in points, of the range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | WidthInPixel |
Gets the width, in pixels, of the range.
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | Worksheet | Returns the parent Worksheet of this range. |
![Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/Property.png) | WrapText |
Get or sets the flag which indicates whether word wrap is enabled in a cell.