Document Solutions for Excel, .NET Edition | Document Solutions
GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Forms Namespace / ICellLinkControl<T> Interface / Value Property
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    Value Property (ICellLinkControl<T>)
    In This Topic
    The value that is used to bind ICellLinkControl.LinkedCell.
    T Value {get; set;}

    Property Value

    The actual meaning of this property depends on the IControl.FormControlType of the current control.
    FormControlType.CheckBox : False - Unchecked, true - Checked, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Nothing) - Mixed.
    FormControlType.OptionButton : False - Unselected, true - Selected.
    FormControlType.Spinner, FormControlType.ScrollBar : The current value.
    FormControlType.ListBox, FormControlType.DropDown : ISelector.SelectedIndex + 1.
    See Also