Xamarin.Forms | ComponentOne
Release History / 2018v 2
In This Topic
    2018v 2
    In This Topic

    This section contains information about all the new features, enhancements, and breaking changes in Xamarin for iOS since 2018 v2 release.



    • Added a new Entity Framework Core project template.
    • Added Visual Studio for Mac project templates
    • Improved C1Weather sample with updated design and use of Geolocator Plugin to get your local weather

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a NullReferenceException that could occur when navigate back to previous from content page contain Calendar.


    • Added sunburst update animation
    • Added Histogram Chart type.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed the issue where axis labels could be cut off when LableAngle is set to 45 and LegendPosition is top or bottom.
    • Improved the Auto positioning behavior for LegendPositon.
    • Fixed the issue where setting LegendPosition no longer had a thinning effect on Legend border thickness
    • Fixed several issues where tooltips where not updating properly when data was removed or changed position.
    • Improved Sunburst chart handling of fractional values.
    • Fixed several issues where annotations where not updating properly when data was removed or changed position.
    • Fixed an issue where the bottom part of data series near X axis were cut off when ChartType of one series is set Spline family charts.
    • Fixed a NullReferenceException occurs when SymbolRendering and SymbolRendered events are called without setting content in plot elements.
    • Using TranslateBehavior without ZoomBehavior should now work correctly by setting DisplayedRange or Scale.
    • Fixed an issue where a tooltip displays behind custom plot element when tapping on custom plot element.
    • The ConenctingLine property for DataLabels should now display properly on all platforms
    • Fixed an issue where long tooltips does would get clipped on WinPhone.
    • Fixed an issue where the '{high}' value of financial charts would return an empty string when getting from TooltipContent/DataLabelContent.
    • Fixed an issue where Duplicate Axis labels would be observed when Rotated is set True and BindingX is Date value in any chart types other than Column/Bar/Financial charts.
    • Fixed a problem where setting SliceBorderWidth would not take effect and border lines of each slice are not distinct if CustomPalette is applied in Sunburst chart
    • Fixed a problem where selection StrokeDashArray also would apply to border of DataLabel when select any pie slice.
    • IsVisible/IsEnabled properties of LineMarker now work correctly
    • Empty space is no longer preserved for Tooltip when 'ShowTooltip=False or ToolTip=null' on UWP.
    • AnnotationLayers can now be added/removed at run time.
    • Fixed an issue where an Image annotation would not displayed if another type of annotation was not added.
    • Fixed an issue where Axis labels are shown as numeric values instead of string values when data is directly bound to the series.


    • Added WordWrap property for GridRow.
    • Added FrozenLinesColor property for styling grid lines in frozen rows.
    • DefaultColumnHeadersRowHeight property added.
    • KeyActionTab property added for enabling Excel-like cycling when keyboard tabbing.
    • Grid-lines were improved to display better in the edges of the grid, in grouping scenarios, and in column or row dragging
    • Added customizable selection menu.
    • Added GridColumn HeaderBackgroundColor/HeaderTextColor properties.
    • Added GridRow BackgroundColor/TextColor/HeaderBackgroundColor/HeaderTextColor properties.
    • Added RowHeaderSelectedTextColor/ColumnHeaderSelectedTextColor properties.
    • Added FullTextFilterBehavior.MatchCase and MatchWholeWord properties.
    • Updated Light and Dark mode colors.
    • Added implicit conversion from CAMediaTimingFunction to C1Easing on iOS.
    • Added sunburst update animation
    • Added Histogram Chart type.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where an editing cell does not exit from edit mode and next cell is not selected when Tab key is pressed while cell is in edit mode.
    • Fixed an issue where an adjacent merged cell does not get selected and cell next to merged cell is selected when press tab key.
    • Fixed an issue where a DataMap Column's cell value could not be changed in edit mode on UWP
    • Removed extra grid-lines in group and column header cells were drawn when GridLinesVisibility and HeaderGridLinesVisibility were set to Horizontal
    • Added C1TappedEventArgs.IsBarrelButtonDown property.
    • Constructor of the renderers changed to take the context in order to avoid using obsolete(since version 2.5) base class constructor.
    • Fixed an issue where C1CheckBox was rendered displaced.
    • Fixed an issue where a Frame was not rendered correctly when converted to native on iOS.


    • While using filtering operation, now use MatchCase and MatchWholeWord property.

    Bug Fixes

    • While using filtering operation, now use MatchCase and MatchWholeWord property.


    • Added Completed Event for input control.
    • Added MaskCompleted Property for C1MaskTextField.
    • Added Improved animation.
    • Added AutoCompleteMode property in the AutoComplete control.
    • Added ShowClearButton property for showing/hiding clear button from editable input control.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed and issue where Full screen dropdown part does not close when click back button on LocalMachine on UWP.
    • DropDown header UI now displays if header is set within StackLayout.
    • Fixed an issue with DropDown animations on UWP.
    • AutoComplete drop down list updates after changed ItemsSource at run time on UWP.
    • Fixed an issue with moving to adjacent characters when leading character is removed in MaskedEntry on Android.
    • Fixed an issue where the cursor would move to the first position when the delete button is pressed on an Android device using the Google Keyboard.
    • Fixed an issue where deleting numbers are replaced with (-) instead of replaced by set PromptChar when Mask property is set with combination of '#' and '-' in MaskedEntry on iOS.
    • Fixed an issue where an Input control could become overlapped with dropdown portion after changing DropDownDirection on iOS.
    • Fixed an issue where the selected item BackgroundColor could be retained after selecting a new item on Android.
    • Fixed an issue where the DropDown portion does not open even though IsDropDownOpen property set to True.
    • Fixed an issue where MaskedInput(PromptChar value) used in header portion of Dropdown is deleted when pressing Delete key.
    • Fixed an issue where an ObjectDisposedException occurs when focus control with any DropDownMode except Default/FullScreen on second time navigation.
    • Fixed an issue where Text in Text Editor cannot be deleted by pressing Delete key the first time in C1Combobox.