RichTextBox for WPF | ComponentOne
C1.WPF.SpellChecker Namespace / C1SpellChecker Class
Properties Methods Events

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    C1SpellChecker Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by C1SpellChecker.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of a C1SpellChecker.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets a custom spell-checking dictionary.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets a custom spell-checking parser.  
    Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the main spelling dictionary has been loaded.  
    Public PropertyGets the list of words to ignore during spell-checking.  
    Public PropertyGets the main dictionary used for spell-checking.  
    Public PropertyGets a SpellOptions object that specifies spell-checking options.  
    Public PropertyGets the user dictionary used for spell-checking.  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Shows a spell-checking dialog for an editor control.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Checks a string containing text and returns a list of spelling errors.  
    Public MethodChecks a word to see if it's spelled correctly.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. Gets an array containing suggestions for a misspelled word.  
    Public MethodRaises the C1SpellChecker.BadWordFound event.  
    Public MethodRaises the C1SpellChecker.CheckControlCompleted event.  
    Public MethodRaises the C1SpellChecker.ContextMenuCreated event.  
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodRaises the C1SpellChecker.DictionaryChanged event.  
    Public Events
    Public EventEvent that fires when a spelling error is found by the C1SpellChecker.  
    Public EventEvent that fires when the C1SpellChecker.CheckControlAsync method finishes spell-checking a control.  
    Public EventEvent that fires when a context menu is created containing the spelling suggestions and commands.  
    Public EventEvent that fires when any of the spell dictionaries changes in any way.  
    See Also