RichTextBox for WPF | ComponentOne
C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents Namespace / C1TableCell Class
Fields Properties Methods Events

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    C1TableCell Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by C1TableCell.

    Public Constructors
    Public Constructor  
    Public Fields
    Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the C1TableCell.ColumnSpan style property.  
    Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Identifies the C1TableCell.RowSpan style property.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to fill the background of the content area. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets the collection of C1Block in the C1TableCell.  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush used to fill the border of a text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the border thickness of a text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGet all children of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the number of columns that the C1TableCell should span.  
    Public PropertyGets the C1TextPointer at the end of this text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets the C1TextRange of this element's content. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets the C1TextPointer at the start of this text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the corner radius for the border of a text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the C1TextElement.Cursor displayed when the mouse is over this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns the C1TextElement.EndTag of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the preferred font family for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the font size for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the font style for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the font weight for the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Brush to apply to the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets an identifier for this text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGet the index of this C1TextElement in its parent C1TextElement.Children collection. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns whether this element is collapsed, that is, if its C1TextElement.Visibility, or that of one of its parents, is C1Visibility.Collapsed. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets whether the content of this element are editable in a C1.WPF.RichTextBox.C1RichTextBox. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns whether this element is a leaf in the document tree. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns whether this element is the root of its tree. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a number that is multiplied by the computed height of a line to obtain the final height. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the Line spacing of the line of text in a block. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Block)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the margin of a text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the max-height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the max-width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the min-height of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the min-width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the name for this text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets the next sibling of this element, or null if this is the last child. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the padding of a text element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a PageBreak value indicating when a page break is inserted after this C1Block. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Block)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a PageBreak value indicating when a page break is inserted before this C1Block. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Block)
    Public PropertyGets the parent of this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets the previous sibling of this element, or null if this is the first child. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns the root element of this element's tree. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the number of rows that the C1TableCell should span.  
    Public PropertyReturns the C1TextElement.StartTag of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyReturns the style values for this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the horizontal alignment of text content. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Block)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a collection of text decorations to apply to the content of the element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Media.Effects.Effect applied to the text of this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the indentation, in pixels, of the first line of text in a block. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1Block)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip displayed when the mouse is over this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating how elements are aligned in a line. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the visibility of this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the width of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodClears the value of style property in this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodReturns a deep copy of this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodCreates a new C1TextElement with the same type as this. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodEnumerates the elements in the document in the specified direction. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodEnumerates all elements in the sub tree where this element is root. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodReturns the list of parents from the root. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodReturns the value of a style property for this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodGroups some of this C1TextElement children, all children in the specified range are added to the new parent, and the parent is inserted at the range start. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodOverridden.   
    Public MethodJoins this element with its next sibling. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Removes a range of children in this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodSets the value of a style property of this C1TextElement. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodReturns a shallow copy of this element. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Splits this C1TextElement at the specified offset into two elements of the same type with the same style properties. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public MethodUngroups this C1TextElement, that is, this C1TextElement is removed, and all its children are added to its parent. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodCalled when the C1TextElement.TextChanged event needs to be fired. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Protected MethodCalled when the C1TextElement.TextChanging event needs to be fired. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public Events
    Public EventFires when the children collection of this C1TextElement changes. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public EventFires after a text change occurs in the sub tree where this element is root. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    Public EventFires before a text change occurs in the sub tree where this element is root. (Inherited from C1.WPF.RichTextBox.Documents.C1TextElement)
    See Also