[.NET] Added Mouse-Hover feature. MouseOverMode and MouseOverBrush new properties.
[.NET] Added support for semi-transparent selection.
Bug fixes
[.NET][Theme][Schedule][Calendar] MultiMonthCalendar cannot be shown well when System/Material/MaterialDark theme is applied during opening Appointment dialog in Schedule.
[.NET] HorizontalTextAlignment in calendar header.
[.NET]Respected the current culture’s maximum date value when processing the Calendar.MonthCount property.
[.NET] Tooltip for multiple pie chart now include comma-separated values that specify different tooltip template for each pie.
[.NET] Added AnnotationLayer.DrawOnTop property that can be used to control position of annotations (on the top or or behind the chart).
[.NET] Added Trendline.Approximate() method that allows to calculated approximated value.
[.NET] Added Trendline.GetRegressionStatistics() method which return main statistical characteristics about the regression.
[.NET] Added new Resource key ControlBackgroundBrush. This key is used to set background for big complex controls. Controls affected are: Expander, Calendar, DataFilter, FilterEditor, TabControl, DockControl, GanttView, FlexGrid, ListView, Maps, TreeView, Scheduler.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed exception in the conversion from DateTime to DateTimeOffset in a border case.
[.NET] Automatically apply AccentStyle for default buttons.
[.NET] Avoid C1ScrollViewer scrollbars to hide if the mouse is over.
[.NET] Item is not selected when press Up-arrow key after selected many items in Extended SelectionMode.
[.NET] Added ConditionalFilter.DefaultFilterOperation property, which provides the ability to set the initial filter operation for a conditional filter expression.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed Width of DateTimeRangeFilter/DateTimeFilter to be on the same width as other filters.
[.NET] Initial filters' values now take precedence over filter expressions of the underlie collection.
[.NET] Used an empty string as the default placeholder.
[.NET] Added new Resource key ControlBackgroundBrush. This key is used to set background for big complex controls. Controls affected are: Expander, Calendar, DataFilter, FilterEditor, TabControl, DockControl, GanttView, FlexGrid, ListView, Maps, TreeView, Scheduler.
Bug fixes
[.NET] DockTabItem cannot be seen properly when changed from MaterialDark theme to other theme after docking the DockTabItem on a docking indicator.
[.NET] Borders are not visible in DockTabItems when setting Office365DarkGray/Black themes in DockControl.
[.NET] System.InvalidOperationException occurs when changing the theme after making as Sliding and then as Floating some tabs.
[.NET] Fix С1DockTabControl to be dragged inside another tab and to show the correct view for anchors.
[.NET] С1DockTabControl shows unnecessary scrollbar when SelectedIndex is set in xaml.
[.NET] Added FocusCuesVisibility property in the input controls in order to use them for Office365 themes.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
[.NET] Added disabling the tabs in the Field Settings dialog with incompatible calculation \options for the Row and Column fields.
[.NET] Updated DateEngine/PivotEngine versions to 2024 v2 builds.
[.NET] Added Chinese version of DateEngine/PivotEngine for Chinese build.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Added missing Icon images for some context menu items in FlexPivot.
[.NET] Fixed an issue in which Border lines were shown in Toolbar buttons of FlexPivotPage.
[.NET] Text is not visible in 'Detail View' of FlexPivot when Office365DarkGray and Office365Black themes are set.
[.NET Framework] Added Trendline.Approximate() method that allows to calculated approximated value.
[.NET Framework] Added Trendline.GetRegressionStatistics() method which return main statistical characteristics about the regression.
[.NET Framework] Tooltip for multiple pie chart now may include comma-separated values that specify different tooltip template for each pie.
[.NET Framework] Added AnnotationLayer.DrawOnTop property that can be used to control position of annotations (on the top or or behind the chart).
[.NET Framework] Added new alignment options for line marker (PlotTop, PlotBottom, PlotLeft, PlotRight). They allow to display marker outside plot area and over the axes.
[.NET Framework] Added new variables dataX, dataY that can be used in line marker content template string. They represent marker position in data coordinates.
[.NET] Improved GridFilterRow to keep the filter string in columns with DataMap when an external filtering happens.
[.NET] Added GroupHeaderFormat validation.
[.NET] Added GridColumn.PropertyChanged notification of the properties Binding, Format, MinWidth, MaxWidth, HorizontalAlignament, HeaderHorizontalAlignment, AllowSorting, AllowFiltering, AllowGrouping, AllowMerging, AllowResizing, AllowDragging, SortMemberPath, FilterMemberPath, GroupMemberPath, WordWrap and ValueConverter.
[.NET] Added INotifyPropertyChanged in C1GridControl and notified properties Selection/ViewRange/EditorRange/CursorRange.
[.NET] Added FlexGrid.ColumnFilterLoading event which occurs when the filter of a column is being loaded.
[.NET] Reset accumulated column (Auto)width when properties TreeIndent, TreeColumnIndex and TreeIndentMode change.
[.NET] Default value for SelectionAdornerBorderBrush property has been changed to use accent color.
[.NET] Avoid entering in edit mode if the bound property of the underlying data item can not be written even if the model of grid is not read-only.
[.NET] Review and update themes. Added style reference for FlexGrid.
[.NET] Added PasteAsync editing API.
[.NET] Added ClipboardCopyMode property.
[.NET] Added 'Copy with Headers' item to the selection menu.
[.NET] Added Copying with headers by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed GridDateTimeColumn to avoid double conversion between DateTimeOffset and DateTime.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which DataIndex property of GridGroupRow's weren't updating correctly when the grouped observable collection was changed at runtime.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which PropertyChanged event was not raised when changing GridColumn.Index.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which Exception was thrown if the column-header rows or row-headers columns were modified and HeadersVisibility was set so the modified column or row was hidden.
[.NET] Removing a range of items in a data-collection only supporting removing single items and raising Reset notification in each removal was causing FlexGrid to remove incorrect indexes. From now, the rows to remove will be ignored if removing one row causes the rest of the rows to be detached from the grid.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which GridNewRow was incorrectly allowing entering in edit-mode to cells whose column was read-only.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which Exception was thrown when selecting New-Row and pressing Del.
[.NET] Fixed validation tooltip not disappearing when setting ShowError=false.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which TextBox was not updating accordingly when changing filter from grid when using FullTextFilterBehavior.
[.NET] Disposed of the C1DataFilter instance upon closing the filter row cell menu.
[.NET] Fixes issue in model of grid causing Index of rows to be incorrect when items were moved in the underlying source.
[.NET] Fixed memory leak when refreshing a tree-like source.
[.NET] Fixed memory leak when setting the DataItem of a row before it was attached to the grid.
[.NET] Added AllowCustomToggleButton property to GridCellFactory to overcome breaking change due to new grouping improvements.
[.NET] Modified input handling to open selection menu on pointer up mouse event instead of down.
[.NET] Fixed GridColumn.PropertyInfo property.
[.NET] Used an empty string as the default placeholder.
[.NET] Added validation to TreeLinesRadiusX and TreeLinesRadiusX properties to avoid negative values.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which GridRow.MinHeight and MaxHeight were not updated the UI when set at runtime.
[.NET] Fixed exception when scrolling and grouping was applied together with TreeLinesMode=Connected.
[.NET] Automation was throwing an exception when using ChildItemsPath property.
[.NET] Avoid reloading rows if TreeExpandMode is changed and the source is not a tree.
[.NET] Fixed error in calculation of number of items in groups.
[.NET] Notify property SelectedRanges changed when changing selection.
[.NET] Fixed text alignment issue in group row.
[.NET] Finish cell-editing when changing FrozenRows or FrozenColumns to avoid exception in case the editing range got divided by the new frozen line.
[.NET] Fixed exception in the model of the grid.
[.NET] Binding to TemplatedParent in style of GridFilterCell was causing filter text to be reseted while changing theme.
[.NET] Exception when scrolling through 50,000 rows and UI freeze when applying Conditional Formatting/Export.
[.NET ] Exception thrown when the source of GridDataMap does not evaluate to a correct value.
[.NET] Added ScrollMode property.
[.NET] Added virtual GetSnapVerticalOffset method to allow define a custom logic for snapping rows.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Avoid start IME editing if the focus is not in the grid itself.
[.NET] Fixed setting of cursor pointer.
[.NET] Fixed performance issue in ScrollIntoView when the range is huge.
[.NET] Fixed performance issue in ScrollIntoView when the range is huge.
[.NET] Fixed exception when trying to navigate in a grid with no cells.
[.NET] Fixed layout issue that cause grid not to shrink when auto-sizing.
[.NET] Fixed exception when removing an element from the visual tree.
[.NET] Resizing separator was not working fine when there is a non-resizable column or row with small size next to it.
[.NET] Moved ExpandToMergedRanges logic from C1GridControl to FlexGrid.CellFactory.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed issue in which style property did not work for gauges if it was set in XAML code.
[.NET] Added new Resource key ControlBackgroundBrush. This key is used to set background for big complex controls. Controls affected are: Expander, Calendar, DataFilter, FilterEditor, TabControl, DockControl, GanttView, FlexGrid, ListView, Maps, TreeView, Scheduler.
Bug fixes
[.NET] "FieldName" column was not editable in Advanced Filter dialog.
[.NET] ChartView area disappears after undoing zoom operations in C1GanttView.
[.NET] ChartView data are disappeared and not exported when Importing the MS project XML file to C1GanttView after exporting it.
[.NET] ChartView disappears when modifying "ChartViewZoomFactor" at runtime.
[.NET] Error message was shown in SortBy dialog box when sorting by "None".
[.NET] 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' \ occurred in PresentationFramework.dll when opening the Group popup dialog using "New Group By..." menu \from "Group By" button of C1GanttView
[.NET] Don't allow dialogs to exceed available screen size.
[.NET] Combobox data is not shown fully on "Recurrence Pattern" dialog box.
[.NET] 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in \ System.Private.CoreLib.dll when adding Predecessors to the existing task bar of C1GanttView at RunTime \ after moving the splitter to see all columns
[.NET] Improved dialog autosizing. Honor MinHeight and MinWidth and allow it to grow if content doesn't fit.
[.NET] Allows autosize dialogs by content.
[.NET] Added FocusCuesVisibility property in the input controls in order to use them for Office365 themes.
Bug fixes
[.NET] SelectionCommitted event fires twice after item is selected via keyboard.
[.NET] Update the formatted value from .NET to the JavaScript side on inputting the same unformatted value.
[.NET] Updated display value based on current item's index in the filtered list.
[.NET] Moved the update of SelectedValue to occur after the change of SelectedIndex when ItemsSource changes.
[.NET] Treated the scenario where the user enters an unformatted value that is equivalent to the formatted value.
[.NET] C1ComboBox drop-down width was not correct when changing the size at runtime.
[.NET] Supported new positioning variations.
[.NET] Selected item is not updated in text area when select any item with mouse click after one item is selected by keyboard navigation.
[.NET] SelectedIndex always returns -1 when item is selected by mouse click.
[.NET] Already selected item value is still shown in text area when that item is selected again with Single SelectionMode.
[.NET] Updated the editor's text with the actual value. Enabled scrolling only after the list is rendered.
[.NET] Selected items are not displayed properly in text area when IsSelected property is set True
[.NET] Items are not selected when CheckedMemberPath returns true
Bug fixes
[.NET] Event SelectionChanged was not raised if an item in the selection was replaced.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
[.NET Framework] Cleaned up main menu layout in OlapPage. Use the same MenuIcon style for all icons.
Breaking Changes
[.NET] Added parameter "group" to Detach method of IPropertyGridEditor interface.
[.NET] Improved collection editor to show "(Null)" string when editing collection containing null values.
[.NET] Added VerticalScrollBarVisibility and HorizontalScrollBarVisibility properties.
[.NET] Added ShowResetButton to CollectionEditor.
[.NET] Added support for binding dictionaries.
Bug fixes
[.NET] System.ArgumentException occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll when expand the collapsed group section in PropertyGrid.
[.NET] Fixed WidthEditor and HeightEditor to show correct value after reset from the editor.
[.NET] Fixed Text Foreground Color in the Filter.
[.NET] CollectionEditor was throwing exception if the collection was null.
[.NET] Editing primitive types was not working fine in collection-editor.
[.NET] GridLengthEditor was not reflecting underlying value correctly.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Height of C1TableWidthTool was stretched out in the area of C1RichTextBoxRibbon.
[.NET] Highlight color of the toggle button part of the LengthTool controls was incorrect.
[.NET] Fixed Button and Watermark text when switching Themes in dialog box of RichTextBox.
[.NET] Added AllowMerging property that indicating whether the tool can be merged with adjacent tools which also has this property set to 'true' when they are placed on C1ToolStrip.
Bug fixes
[.NET] EditableToolStyle and ToolStyle properties of C1ToolStrip had no effect.
[.NET] InvalidCastException occurs when adding C1ToolStrip inside C1RichTextBoxRibbon group.
[.NET] Menu strip items are not visible when Office365DarkGray and Office365Black themes are set.
[.NET] Keyboard navigation stuck at "Group By" button in toolbar section.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
[.NET] Updated default xaml to ease theme creation.
[.NET] Use iCal format during drag&drop operations.
[.NET] Added C1Scheduler.ShowWeekTabs property. This property allows to alter week tabs visibility in month view. Default MonthView style has been updated to honor this property value.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Button icons of Event dialog of the C1Scheduler is not clearly visible when dark themes are applied.
[.NET] Make sure to coerce C1Scheduler.End property when application sets C1Scheduler.Start property or C1Scheduler.End property to inconsistent values.
[.NET] Button icons of Event dialog of the C1Scheduler is not clearly visible when dark themes are applied.
Breaking changes
[.NET Framework] Binary export format is hidden from OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog when end-user wants to save or load data. This is made intentionally to avoid using non secure binary serialization. It will still work on all .Net versions before .Net 9 if end-user selects *.dat file or types ".dat" extention manually. Starting from .Net 9 binary serialization will stop working. If you use binary serialization, consider migrating to xml or iCal format.
[.NET Framework] Use iCal format during drag&drop operations.
[.NET Framework] Added C1Scheduler.ShowWeekTabs property. This property allows to alter week tabs visibility in month view. Default MonthView styles in all themes have been updated to honor this property value.
[.NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed regression issue where dragging was activated when clicking a tree item.
[.NET] Fixed issue in which DragEnter/Drop event does not fire when drag/drop treeview item in TreeView.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Corrected tab border appearance for cases when TabStripPlacement Left and Right.
[.NET] Fixing TabContent when using ContentControl.Content in C1TabControl.
Breaking changes
[.NET] Renamed C1.WPF.Themes.Office365Black assembly to C1.WPF.Themes.Office365Dark.
[.NET] Review and update themes of Grid control.
[.NET] Updated FlexPivot styles for Office365 themes.
[.NET] Updated Office 365 themes of TabControl.
[.NET] Review and update themes of FlexGrid control.
[.NET] Review and update themes of ColorPicker control.
[.NET] Added new Resource key ControlBackgroundBrush.This key is used to set background for big complex controls. Controls affected are: Expander, Calendar, DataFilter, FilterEditor, TabControl, DockControl, GanttView, FlexGrid, ListView, Maps, TreeView, Scheduler.
[.NET] Updated Scheduler styles in the Office365DarkGray theme.
[.NET] Updated Accordion styles for Office365 themes.
[.NET] Updated Scheduler styles, added styles for Office365 themes.
[.NET] When Office365 theme is applied, value of FlexGrid cells is no longer displayed after exiting edit mode, and an exception is thrown when the Enter key is pressed.
[.NET] Updated DataPager styles for Office365 themes.
[.NET] New Office365 Themes has been added.
[.NET] Added Office365Black theme project.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixing Resources text color to be visible in MaterialDark/ MaterialOrangeDark themes.
[.NET] Zoom Options dropdown items of FlexViewer had incorrect foreground in Office365DarkGray themes.
[.NET] Popup style was incorrect for some ribbon tools in Office365Black and Office365DarkGray.
[.NET] ToolStrip style was incorrect for some C1 controls in Office365DarkGray theme.
[.NET] Rectangle gray box was shown in C1TagEditor when Office365DarkGray or Office365Black themes was applied.
[.NET] Exception was thrown when hovering the mouse cursor over C1DatePicker in Office365DarkGray or Office365Black themes.
[.NET] Fixed horizontal Line under month in dropdown button of DatePicker when Office365Colorful/White Thems are applied.
[.NET] Fixed the internal circle color of the RadioButton controls.
[.NET] Fixed text color of C1HyperlinkButton control for Office365Black/DarkGray themes.
[.NET] Fixed the background of the drop-down part of the LengthTool controls for Office365Black/DarkGray themes.
[.NET] Office365 theme libraries were not included in nuget packages.
[ .NET Framework] Supports C1.Zip nuget reference.