[.NET] Updated System.Drawing.Common dependency to 7.0.0.
BarCode for WPF
[.NET] Updated System.Drawing.Common dependency to 7.0.0.
[.NET] Switched barcodes rendering to use C1.Rendering library. C1BARCODE
Chart for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Improved rendering of line charts under several conditions.
[.NET] Fixed issue with series-specific data label overlapping.
Core for WPF
Breaking changes
[.NET] Moved "PopupStyle" style resource from Core to Input library.
[.NET] Removed INotifyPropertyChanged interface from C1Border.
[.NET] Removed InitializeUIOverride and FinalizeUIOverride from C1View .
[.NET] Made C1ToggleButton.CheckedBrush obsolete. Use CheckedBackground instead.
[.NET] Added C1ScrollViewer.BottomHeader and BottomLeftHeader.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed unhandled Exception which was thrown when setting text to Clipboard.
[.NET] Fixed visibility issue of TopLeftHeader when both LeftHeader and TopLeftHeader were not set.
[.NET] Replaced C1ToggleButton.CheckedBrush by the CheckedBackground brush.
[.NET] Fixed issue with scrolling. Optimized initialization.
[.NET] Fixed issue with scrolling. Optimized initialization.
Calendar for WPF
[.NET] Updated references to the C1.ScheduleCore packages.
ColorPicker for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed reentrancy issues in brush editors.
C1.WPF for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed issue in working of [C1DropDownButton] IsTabStop with C1DropDownButton.
Docking for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed firing of C1DockTabControl's SelectionChanged event for all the consecutive dock tab items when its DockMode is changed to Float.
Document for WPF
[.NET Framework] Added support embedded fonts in C1FlexReport with storage font's data in *.flxr files. Property Fonts of the report contains the FontData collection, for each FontData set Embed property. Also, added embedFonts parameter for Save() method, by default embedFonts = FontEmbedType.None
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Fixed issue in printing of pdf document which doesn't support auto rotation.
DataFilter for WPF
[.NET Framework] Updated DataCollection to 20232.164.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed dragging/dropping of Expression to empty nested expression.
[.NET] Fixed issue in adding of combination/operation expression from '+' button in nested expression.
[.NET] Fixed issue in processing of filtering of requests in sequential order.
[.NET] Fixed issue in inheritance of foreground property in Radio buttons.
[.NET Framework] Improved rendering of line charts under several conditions.
[.NET Framework] Fixed issue with series-specific data label overlapping.
FlexReport for WPF
[.NET Framework] Added support embedded fonts in C1FlexReport with storage font's data in *.flxr files. Property Fonts of the report contains the FontData collection, for each FontData set Embed property. Also, added embedFonts parameter for Save() method, by default embedFonts = FontEmbedType.None
Bug fixes
[.NET Framework] Handled error message visibility "Chart field can not be rendered." when navigating the Reporting page of Dashboard Demo product sample.
[.NET Framework] Handled throwing of System.TypeLoadException' when loading the FlexReport that contains Default font to C1FlexViewer.
[.NET Framework] [C1FlexViewer] Added the ability to turn page automatically after scrolling to the end of the current page.
Gauge for WPF
[.NET] Improved code-generation to use C1DependencyProperty.
GanttView for WPF
[.NET] Updated System.Drawing.Common dependency to 7.0.0.
[.NET] Updated references to the C1.ScheduleCore packages.
Grid for WPF
Breaking changes
[.NET] Changed bool isHeader parameter to GridRowColType in the methods GetColumnInfo, GetRowInfo, CanSetColumnWidth, SetColumnWidth, CanSetRowHeight, SetRowHeight, CanDragColumn, CanDropColumn, CanDragRow, CanDropRow, DropColumnAsync, DropRowAsync of class GridCellFactory.
[.NET] Added new enum values BottomLeft and ColumnFooter to GridCellType.
[.NET] Changed the parameter isHeader to either row or column type in AutoSizeRow, AutoSizeRows, AutoSizeColumn and AutoSizeColumns methods.
[.NET] Added GridSummaryRow.
[.NET] Updated System.Drawing.Common dependency to 7.0.0.
[.NET] Added GroupSummariesPosition property.
[.NET] Added GridRow.Refresh method.
[.NET] Added GridPanel.VisibleColumnsCount and VisibleRowsCount.
[.NET] Renamed GridControlAdapter.IsVerticalFreezingSeparatorVisible methodto IsLeftFreezingSeparatorVisible and IsHorizontalFreezingSeparatorVisible method renamed to IsTopFreezingSeparatorVisible.
[.NET] Added methods OnResizingColumn, OnResizingRow, OnResizedColumn, OnResizedRow to GridControlAdapter.
[.NET] Added methods OnResizingColumn, OnResizingRow, OnResizedColumn, OnResizedRow to GridControlAdapter.
[.NET] Added GridControlAdapter.GetFrozenBottomRows and IsBottomFreezingSeparatorVisible methods.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed dragging selection adorner was not working correctly.
[.NET] Fixed rounding issue in layout.
[.NET] Fixed issue selection was not cleared when resetting Adapter and caused exception if the dimensions of the previous selection didn't fit in the new adapter dimensions.
[.NET] Fixed occurring of exception in layout when star-columns need to parcel out small viewport.
[.NET] Fixed layout bug when dragging a column after zooming (if there was a drag before zooming).
Input for WPF
Breaking changes
[.NET] Changed all PopupStyle properties type from C1Border to C1PopupBorder.
[.NET] Selection behavior has been changed to match MS ComboBox behavior. Using arrow or PageUp/PageDown keys in drop-down part moves focus to the different item but doesn't change selection. To select currently focused item, press Space or Enter key.
Bug fixes
[.NET] PageUp/PageDown key does not take effect in ComboBoxItems.
[.NET] Tapping on already selected item doesn't uncheck it in Single SelectionMode.
[.NET] C1TextBox.Placeholder was not mapped to native control.
[.NET] Each selected item is not updated in text area once the item is selected from dropdown in Multiple SelectionMode.
[.NET] SelectedIndex/SelectedValue cannot return the correct values when item is selected by mouse click in ComboBox with ItemsSource.
[.NET] SelectedIndex/SelectedValue cannot return the correct values when item is selected by mouse click in ComboBox with ItemsSource.
[.NET] Selection highlight is not shown in selected item when item is selected by typing text in text area.
[.NET] Items cannot be selected by Up/Down arrow keys while place cursor focus in text area.
[.NET] Fixed C1TextBox cursor not appearing on focus.
[.NET] Items cannot be selected by Up/Down arrow keys while place cursor focus in text area.
[.NET] Extra text is shown and first item is automatically selected when press Down arrow key after typed one word in text area.
[.NET] Fixed issue with repeating SelectionChanged events in unbound mode when end-user selects item in drop-down.
[.NET] Already selected item value is still shown in text area although unchecking that item from combobox with Single SelectionMode.
[.NET] ComboBoxItem with no content is not shown with checked state in item selection by SelectedItem/SelectedItems of ComboBox.
[.NET] Items navigation and selection is still worked on disabled first and last items by pressing Home/End keys.
[.NET] First item is not selected when pressed Down arrow key after deleted the previous selected in text area.
[.NET] Old value cannot be retrieved from e.OldValue property in SelectedValueChanged/SelectedItemChanged/SelectedIndexChanged events of C1ComboBox.
[.NET] SelectionChanged event is fired twice for some changes and e.RemovedItems property value is wrong.
[.NET] ComboBox header switches into edit mode even if AutoComplete and IsEditable properties are set to False.
[.NET] ComboBoxItem's IsEnabled does not take effect at RunTime.
[.NET] C1TextBox cursor position was changed unexpectedly while typing.
[.NET] C1TextBox placeholder was not shown in WinUI.
ListView for WPF
[.NET] Adjusted selection behavior in different selection modes.
[.NET] Improved performance at navigating large number of items.
[.NET] Honor ItemHeight and ItemWidth properties at scrolling and keyboard navigation.
Bug fixes
[.NET] If ShowCheckBoxes is true, tapping on already selected item doesn't uncheck it in Single SelectionMode.
[.NET] PageUp/PageDown keys from keyboard are not working for navigation in list item.
[.NET] 'UnSelect All' checkbox becomes unchecked state after setting false value to isEnabled property when all items are selected in ListView.
[.NET] Application stops responding when deletes 'Item Height' value when C1ListView is bound with C1PropertyGrid.
[.NET] Selection focus remains in one list item after unselected all selected items using UnSelectAll() method when SelectionMode is Extended.
[.NET] Fixed moving items in ListViewItemsCollection.
[.NET] 'Select All' checkbox cannot be seen properly when set Background property in C1TileListView.
[.NET] All selected items are cleared when changed to Single SelectionMode from Extended and Multiple SelectionMode.
[.NET] Only clear cached indices when source DataCollection is grouped.
[.NET] Items navigation and selection is still worked on disabled first and last items by pressing Home/End keys.
[.NET] Scrollbar does not work when mouse is over disabled item
[.NET] SelectAll checkbox changed to indeterminate state after setting null value to SelectedItem property while all items are selected in ListView.
[.NET] C1ComboBox takes time to load items on editing the grid cell of GridDataMap Column in FlexGrid.
[.NET] ComboBoxItem's IsEnabled does not take effect at RunTime.
Menu for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] excluded menu separators from the keyboard navigation.
[.NET] Fixed bug in inserting items in MenuItemsCollection
[.NET] Corrected initialization of C1MenuItem; supported C1MenuItem.IsCheckable.
[.NET] Removed not implemented IsSubMenuOpenedStyle property.
Maps for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] NullReferenceException occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll when navigates back to 'Custom Filters' page in DataFilterExplorer product sample
PropertyGrid for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed FontStretchEditor showing Medium value as Normal.
[.NET] Items under Properties section get lost after clicked down button in collection editor.
[.NET] Use type name as fallback value to display elements in CollectionEditor's list.
Report for WPF
[.NET] Updated System.Data.Odbc and System.Data.OleDB dependencies to 7.0.0.
Ribbon for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed Menu Tools style.
[.NET] PressedBrush, FocusBrush and MouseOverBrush properties don't work on button tools.
[.NET] Dropdown part is not closed automatically in FontColor/HighlightColor/ParagraphColor.
RichTextBox.Ribbon for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed bug in style of C1LengthTool
[.NET] Dropdown part is not closed automatically in FontColor/HighlightColor/ParagraphColor.
Scheduler for WPF
[.NET] Updated references to the C1.ScheduleCore packages.
TreeView for WPF
Bug fixes
[.NET] Parent Treeview items are not shown as Indeterminate state when child item is selected in Single SelectionMode of C1TreeView.
[.NET] 'System.NullReferenceException' is thrown in C1.WPF.TreeView.dll when selecting the C1TreeViewItem into visible area using ScrollIntoView() method.
[.NET] IsSelected property is not worked on C1TreeViewItem when setting the property at DesignTime.
[.NET] TreeViewItems can only be seen partially when moving focus to items using keyboard navigation.
[.NET] SelectedItem is not shown properly and scrollbar does not scroll to the last item when pressing Home/End keys from keyboard.
[.NET] SelectedItem value is returned as Null although selecting one item using GetNode().
[.NET] SelectionChanged event does not fire when makes selection changes on already selected item in 'Single' SelectionMode.
[.NET] SelectionChanging event is not fired although SelectionChanged event is fired when changing the selected treeview item in C1TreeView.
[.NET] 'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' is thrown in PresentationFramework.dll when IsChecked property is set to C1TreeViewItem at DesignTime.
[.NET] All nested items are also checked although checking only the parent item in any SelectionMode of C1TreeView.
[.NET] Selection highlight color is not shown when navigating the treeviewitem with PageUp/PageDown key from keyboard.
[.NET] 'System.NullReferenceException' is thrown when scrollViewer is used inside the TreeView to see the selected C1TreeViewItem into visible area.
[.NET] Horizontal scrollbar cannot be scrolled to visible expanded TreeViewItems that are out of visible view port.
[.NET] Focus rectangle moves to TreeViewNode instead of TreeViewItem when navigates the item using up/down arrow key.
[.NET] Scrolling does not work when press Up/Down arrow, Home, End, PageUp and PageDown keys
[.NET] TreeView does not scroll to SelectedItem.
TabControl for WPF
[.NET] Added PopupStyle property.
Bug fixes
[.NET] Fixed firing of C1DockTabControl's SelectionChanged event for all the consecutive dock tab items when its DockMode is changed to Float.